я словила какой-то депрешн на покрасе, поэтому чб версия существует, а ещё я усталп

17 97

Something from the archives. A piece about robot dreams; from the Silver Swan automaton to Talos to modern liquid robots. 🦢🤖

0 10

“Fall where it leaves us in wild love.
Come climb up, feels light..”
— 2Am by Talos

(I drew this for a friend :D)


1 5

Sparkly freckles! 💖

OC: Lilavias @/tonywoshiptalos

46 190

уфф...вдохновилась песней одной и очень захотелось нарисовать как он её умирающую тащит 😔
uff.. I was inspired by one song and really wanted to draw how he drags her dying 😔

5 22

rachel and karl + swap and swap del doodles

28 162

umm since ppl are getting interested in zeurel's Karl animation.... What about checking out his entries too🥺🥺

19 118

ok well im gonna post crossover art anyways BECAUSE THIS IS MY TWITTER 😡😡😡climber and carl guys

8 59