Happy silly sketch for the day of sugar and salt

3 20

Hey you might have heard this once or a couple of hundred times but Chromagil is awesome

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Every scene with Chromagill in the last was just a ton of fun. thank you for giving us this marvelous mushroom man.

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Fanart for
The new and exciting player characters:
Morgan Strong () - and his split mind.
and Chromagil () - who will be quoted extensively.

Looking forward to seeing more of these lads!
(and Wake too of course!)

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Charlotte Gilles (sp?). I hope I didn't misunderstand the term "bandoleer of books".

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More Freeda Gazomar. Her look of disdain is fun to draw.

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Quick Nedra sketch. I don't know why it took me so long to start watching TFS At the Table! I might do something more elaborate later.

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I drew Eloy,,,, This took me some time and I might have rushed a few bits but I'm really proud to put this out there to a character that meant alot to me. Ben if you see this, thank you and I wish you all the luck in your future

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Got nothing to say about this. I guess this is how I'd imagine wake at level 18. Working on eloy and ezra as well.

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Been wanting to try my hand at "ugly tieflings"
so ugly tiefling nedra

mouth kinda weirds me out though

3 20

Finally catching up on , just finished episode 2 and had to draw this

so heres timmody and the pumpkin patch

5 28

Some TFS-fan fan-art.
with Peaches on her shoulder.
Just wanna say you TFS fans are the best and I look forward to seeing your fan art every week. Thank you for making 2018 a year where I met a number of talented and wonderful people.

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Celebrating the end of finals with our favorite extinguished and his eldrich abomination

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