Finally drew my Rainer headcanon! Aside from the goth/death aesthetic, I think she would have space-themed stuff too. Also please don’t look at the chair for too long, it doesn’t make that much sense

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And here I thought we didn’t have much in common....

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CANON!! ACE!! FITZROY!! Ahh I’m so excited and I can’t wait catch up with Graduation!!

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Really quick doodle but ACE SIR FITZROY MAPLECOURT RIGHTS!!! This part of TTAZZ made me just absolutely delighted, thank you

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"I think sometimes they forget how to be quiet."
I'm catching up on Taz Grad and I'm just LOVING the Firbolg!!

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I’ve been listening to . Graduation non stop recently and had to draw what I envision Chaos to look like. Especially wanted to capture the shimmering purple/gray/green skin ✨

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plotting in the woods @ night or fitz talking about how he WILL be the next cover model of boy cloak magazine? you decide ✨

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thunderman llc aka fantasy himbos

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hm maybe i will tweet all my most recent art. you can’t stop me

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Fitzroy ain't here because he's living his best life lmao

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Thundermen got some mad plot development going on so with the improvement of my art! New designs!! Yeehaw!!

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I’m finally FINALLY properly getting into Graduation!! I’m busy catching up but it’s exactly what I needed rn! :’)

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Sometimes I think they forget how to be quiet

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