
以下のものは海外のRootrickという方が投稿している   のドットデータです。何かしらの還元が出来れば幸いです。

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ハンドルネーム:SMITHYGCNによって提供され集合知に還元された地裏マップのドットデータ。海外にも   のファンがおりまするー。

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後、#天地創造  のドットデータをいくつか入手しますた(オリジナルかどうかはわかりませんが、限りなく近いもののはず)。版権元またはそれに連なる方のお役に立てれば幸いです。

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I like many JRPGs, but my favourite are Terranigma and Robotrek.💖
(My collage of the art of Terranigma by Kamui Fujiwara with the of Robotrek by Takahiro Oura).✨

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Qual que eu vou jogar em Live?
💫Tales of Phantasia?
🔆Golden Sun?
⏲️Chrono Cross?

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Wir sprechen über und ihr seid eingeladen!

30. August, 19:30 Uhr. Live auf Discord. Mit uns. Mit . Und mit euch! Kommt rum und redet mit.

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Today's comparison, original game / my art

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I'm already close to finishing the fan art of Terranigma and Robotrek.😃
Hero(Robotrek):Not all robots are evil, Ark.

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Parody of Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin's official art. (Improved version).😅
Castlevania:Portrait of Ruin © Konami.💕

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Advancing fan art of Terranigma and Robotrek.
Hero (Robotrek): Not all robots are evil, Ark.🤖✨
I'm already close to finishing it.😅

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ActRaiser-Glorious Heroes.
Soul Blazer-Celestial/Human Hero.
Illusion of Gaia-Explorer Hero.
Robotrek-Inventor Hero.
Terranigma-Legendary Hero:"The Golden Child."

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Hero (Robotrek): When people talk about Chrono Trigger, I think of Lucca.
Ark: Your waifu.😄
Hero: No! She's just my favorite character.😳
Ark: Sure.😏
Yomi: ᗒ(^▽^)ᗕ

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Cool!😊👍For me your favorite:Robotrek and... Terranigma.😄

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Me encanta la diversidad de los gustos por esos juegos de esa época dorada del JRPG; de hecho, a mí me gustaba más Terranigma y ese, pero después que jugué Robotrek lo cambié, pero me sigue fascinado.😊

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I forgot to mention

Lukiro and I finished Terranigma together last weekend. I can understand why people love this game so much, it was way ahead of it's time and had a wonderful story with a good cast. What happened to Beruga made me laugh and the ending was bittersweet


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