It's the final day of the Magi awareness event.
I had so much fun and thank you all (YES you talented participating people!) for giving me such joy! ♡

Day # 7: open ♡

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MAGI awareness event is going to be over soon. However it was so much fun !!♡_♡

Aaaaand I've waited for this:
Day # 6: Alma Torran ♡

and tiny

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thought a lot about him today.... wuv you Ja'far

Does anyone still care about Magi?

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Тоже коллаб в аск, Му познал всю полноту жизни : D

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Арт для маги зина, штош, это был интересный опыт :>

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Magi is a fantastic anime! I particularly like the folklore of the desert, and so the djinns. I leave you with Paimon.

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Эта работа официально древняя (рисовала её в январе), но мне очень нравится как она получилась. Мои первые пробы в безлайн, хе.

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Этих чибиков тожи люблю, очень довольна как они вышли, так что пусть будут и здеся

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Ok so when looking through my saved images from years ago, I found this fanart and I just CANNOT find the artist.. reverse search didn't help so I'm posting here and hope I can find the original artist and credit them!

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