James Tissot, Jesus Walks on the Sea (Jésus marche sur la mer), 1886-1894 https://t.co/5XarizEVS7

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James Tissot, Zacharias Killed Between the Temple and the Altar (Zacharie tué entre le temple et l'autel), 1886-1894 https://t.co/7ngOVQsyl6

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James Tissot, Saint Peter Alerted by Saint John to the Presence of the Lord Casts Himself into the Water (Saint Pierre averti par Saint Jean que le Seigneur est là se jette à l'eau), 1886-1894 https://t.co/QMi97e4qZc

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James Tissot, You Follow Me for the Miracles (Vous me suivez pour des miracles), 1886-1894 https://t.co/Fm6zpJteDa

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James Tissot, My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me? (Eli, Eli lama sabactani), 1886-1894 https://t.co/vz4n45QKAs

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James Tissot, The Disciples Having Left Their Hiding Place Watch from Afar in Agony (Les disciples ayant quitté leur retraite assistent de loin au supplice), 1886-1894 https://t.co/Zc42U9O98E

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James Tissot, The Lord's Prayer (Le "Pater Noster"), 1886-1896 https://t.co/fbMKZaoqHF

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James Tissot, The Lord Wept (Le Seigneur pleura), 1886-1894 https://t.co/4k3ozd9fIB

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James Tissot, The Magnificat (Le magnificat), 1886-1894 https://t.co/g0IhuOvWRp

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James Tissot, The Healed Blind Man Tells His Story to the Jews (L'aveugle-né guéri s'explique avec les Juifs), 1886-1896 https://t.co/IchnQI6nr2

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James Tissot, Angels Holding a Dial Indicating the Different Hours of the Acts of the Passion (Anges tenant un cadran indiquant les différentes heures des actes de la passion), 1886-1894 https://t.co/9vDW57BiqV

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James Tissot, Judas Returns the Money (Judas rend l'argent), 1886-1894 https://t.co/fn6H47TTBF

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James Tissot, The Procession of Judas (Le cortège de Judas), 1886-1894 https://t.co/qrBbFjmtOE

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James Tissot, The Scourging on the Back (La flagellation de dos), 1886-1894 https://t.co/qsDWQlRaP0

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James Tissot, The Holy Women (Les femmes saintes), 1886-1896 https://t.co/AcAN6HhJ4q

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James Tissot, On Return from Jerusalem, It is Noticed that Jesus is Lost (Au retour de Jérusalem on s'aperçoit que Jésus est perdu), 1886-1894 https://t.co/Ke6v3nsdMC

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James Tissot, Jesus Unrolls the Book in the Synagogue (Jésus dans la synagogue déroule le livre), 1886-1894 https://t.co/GPx3XbC0x1

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James Tissot, Mary Magdalene at the Feet of Jesus, 1886-1894 https://t.co/XKv8OlIMYf

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James Tissot, The Two Marys Watch the Tomb (Les deux Maries observent le tombeau), 1886-1894 https://t.co/0iQubwrbbB

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