Whoever said “all dogs go to heaven” has never met Fluffy. Let’s hope they never meet Fluffy.

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“Why’s he gotta be naked?”
“Scary things are twice as scary when they’re sprinting after you naked.”
“Please stop…”

Had any ghoulish affairs? 😂

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“When they pass through a dungeon, they leave it clean.”
“So like a Roomba?”
“Kinda, but it’s trying to kill you.”
“Sooooo like a Roomba.”

Have you ever fought a gelatinous cube?

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Friends and foes beware, nothing brings a battle to a screeching halt like Jean-Baptiste Grenouille's unbearable innuendoes!

Put your innuendos in the comments and we may include it in our next post!

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I made a portrait of myself dragging my withered husk out of 2020 into 2021, still in one piece. Wish I could say the same for my soul.

When is the last time you encountered a Dretch?

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In Dungeons and Dragons, black pudding eats YOU!

Tell us your Black Pudding stories!

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This is his quarantine beard; if it bites you, you’ll need to go into quarantine.

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In spite of their prickly personalities and thorny reputations, these greedy devils are sharp as tacks and have been known to make exceptionally pointed arguments and stinging rebukes in pursuit of their desires.

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I hate to break it to you, but your story is not going to have a happy ending if it begins with “We followed these strange floating lights into the swamp.”

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If a pack of goblins doesn’t solve your dungeon problems, you haven’t used enough goblins.

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Have you ever been pummeled by two tons of stupid? Well, you’re about to find out...

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The harpy sings a beautiful and alluring song to attract her prey, which can be difficult to enjoy when she’s clawing your face off.

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They’re not the biggest or brightest of dragons, but at least they have the freshest breath. Just don’t get close enough to find out.

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True strength comes from within, and she’s going to keep cutting into you until she finds it.

Find the Shaman in the Tome of Summoning Core Pack Vol. 1, successfully funded on Kickstarter! Follow us for more creatures!

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Friends and foes beware, nothing brings a battle to a screeching halt like Jean-Baptiste Grenouille's unbearable innuendoes!

Thanks to our fans for the cringe worthy puns! af

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