More doodles: but men -- featuring the tortoise-dragon, the dragon-eater, the person whose name means dragon, and the smoking dragon.
Who's next, Iku? lol

4 21

tenkyuu chimata's unusual pose is creating a dollar sign.

i can't believe i didn't spot this sooner.

5 13

finalmente le agarre la mano a esto de dibujar con tablet, aqui un dibujo de La kappa de tierra o Yamawaro Takane

I finally learned how to draw with a tablet, here is a drawing of The Earth Kappa or Yamawaro Takane

19 44

now I know why people don't paint in one layer..

but it's so much more fun what the hell

also blue aya is cool aya

12 33

The Princess Who Slays Dragons
(Hey I really like Himemushi Momoyo)

3 18