


Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Herを経てソロアーティストとして活動し30周年記念!昨年リリースのALに続き、Guruconnect (skillkills)サウンドプロデュースで、エレクトロニックビートに日本語詞という新しい一面を楽しめる1曲

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I was thinking on BeruConnie holding their hands 🥺💖 i love them so much

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OTD 1600 Report that Cuconnacht Maguire had drawn his forces against succession rival Conor Roe Maguire in Fermanagh '& burnt all his country, being the upper part of Fermanagh, and killed some of his men, so that they are both in arms one against the other'

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Dustiness Ford Lalatina (a.k.a. Darkness) from Konosuba and Mikan Tsumiki from Danganronpa cosplaying as each other.

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In ogni grembo
luccica il salvadanaio
del sogno

Heinrich Von Kleist

Zealand Farmer's Wives - Henri Le Fauconnier, 1914

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突然少年初のリミックスEP『Remix Rabbits』配信スタートしました‼️

フロムアンダーグラウンド(玉屋2060%[Wienners] Remix)

ボール(GuruConnect Remix)

100年後(ティンカーベル初野 Remix)

青空(Ill Japonia Remix)


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4月11日のZIP-FM<FINDOUT>にて、4月14日配信リリースのリミックスEP<Remix Rabbits>から、突然少年のボール(GuruConnect Remix)が初OAになります❗️ベースボールプレイヤー必聴🔥そうでなくとも必聴🔥
奈津さんに 届いてほしい この想い

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4.14 Release!!!!


『Remix Rabbits』
M1:フロムアンダーグラウンド(玉屋2060%[Wienners] Remix)
M2:ボール(GuruConnect Remix)
M3:100年後(ティンカーベル初野 Remix)
M4:青空(Ill Japonia Remix)

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Connecticut based artist here!
Design student at UConn


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Excited for UCONN basketball. One day I’ll make a James Bouknight painting.

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Archéduc est une sorte de mélange entre une chouette et un rapace qui se bat en utilisant son aile et ses plumes comme un arc et des flêches.
La fauconnerie était déjà développée et populaire au Japon en ces temps là

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"Explicit Dam Julyans Barnes in her boke of huntyng": cette prieure du monastère de St Albans, née en 1388, aurait écrit ce traité de chasse, de fauconnerie et... d'héraldique, le Boke of St Albans ! Une pépite pour !
Le livre ici : https://t.co/8hCtCD45Rh

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My Shabazz Napier, UCONN (Hungry) Huskies portrait is my 22nd most viewed print at my Etsy store in 2020.

Nearly 300 prints to choose from at https://t.co/4NCAStQebk

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61 points for UCONN. No winning predictions.

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