Soul City, "a multiracial new town envisioned by a leading Black activist [in 1969] was one of the most visible and ambitious projects to emerge from the civil rights era. Today it is almost entirely forgotten."

13 27

The next selection in the Supplemental Draft comes from the Multiracial delegation. They choose Jay Nakamura to be Japanese and Jewish. Here is their visual reference (Ryan Potter):

1 7

A couple of stragglers from the last week of the Supplemental Draft, both from the Multiracial delegation. The first is Gabriel Summers, AKA Vulcan. Here is his visual reference:

1 8

雪のプリンセスと奇跡の指輪! 2回目 @イオンシネマ港北NT ULTIRA
幸せの国の女王,凍えた心を溶かすやる気パワー! あなたのために今一番したいこと,少し意表のしっとり展開に結実する希望の花と鎮魂歌.駆け足感少なくハートキャッチ先輩の馴染み良き。素晴らしいです.

8 36

The next character up in the Supplemental Draft is Victor Creed, AKA Sabretooth, and he has been selected by the Multiracial delegation. He is now Black and Panamanian, and here is his visual reference:

2 3

Heya I’m Rayne and I’m a multiracial trans masc non binary whose been doing art for like roughly year and a half now

5 10

Dinah Lance, the Black Canary, has been acquired via trade by the Multiracial delegation from the South Asian delegation.

1 2

2回目 @イオンシネマ港北NT ULTIRA
震災の喪失感に不幸続きの無力感.人の心が作り出す恐怖との戦いが,伝統的ファンタジーと良い馴染み.意外に音響案件,サラウンド音の田舎の空気感が良き,あとバトル… 良く練られた優良作.脚本は吉田さまですか,なるほど.地味かもですが推し

3 30

2回目 @イオンシネマ港北NT ULTIRA

7 59

It's official! The Multiracial delegation has claimed Hal Jordan in the at a final bid price of $2.

0 1

It's official! The Multiracial delegation has successfully claimed Green Lantern John Stewart in the at a final bid price of $2.

2 2

The next character up in the has been submitted by the Multiracial delegation: Green Lantern Sojourner "Jo" Mullein, at an opening bid of $1. And here is their visual reference:

1 8

It's official! The Multiracial delegation has claimed Eden Fesi, Manifold, in the for $5.

1 3

And it's official! The Multiracial delegation has claimed Scott Summers, AKA Cyclops, in the for $55.

1 2

Casais multiraciais de The Owl House appreciation tweet (eu sei que matt e Gus não são canon, mas fds)

1 9

It's official! The Multiracial delegation has claimed Emma Frost in the for $75.

2 4


大興奮した楽しみ( ˙꒳​˙ )

0 7


▫Episode of Roselia Ⅱ : Song I am. ➰ T・ジョイ横浜

▫【ULTIRA】竜とそばかすの姫 ➰ AC港北ニュータウン

▫劇場版 ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン ➰ シネマ ジャック&ベティ

▫Episode of Roselia Ⅱ : Song I am. ➰ TOHOシネマズ上大岡

1 1

The Multiracial delegation has entered an opening bid of $10 for Thor Odinson. Here is their visual reference:

1 10


劇場版「#鬼滅の刃」無限列車編 最終上映



すべて 上映です‼

14 33