🇺🇸 USAF's Boeing CIM-10 'Bomarc' interceptor missile (Painting by "Kirwan", ~1960) https://t.co/venHaSHrAq

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-#JillValentine joined to STARS 'cause she can't abide by criminals who threaten innocent lives
-#ChrisRedfield was discharged from USAF 'cause insubordination:he joined to STARS to prove his valor
-#AlbertWesker became STARS captain appointed by Umbrella

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Until finally, in 2012 it got to the most famous Captain Marvel Carol Danvers, USAF Colonel and original Ms.Marvel, kree-human hybrid and someone very close to Mar-vell and so aware of the weight of the name. Carol SO MUCH deserved it as she’d lived its legacy since day one.

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60sのUSAF MA-1をバフッと羽織り、チョーカー+キャミ+ショートパンツ+ブーツで映画レオンのマチルダファッションが素敵です。



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Hello !

I’m Laylia, a Latina artist and USAF vet! My art usually bounces between food & my tablet. 🍭🖊 Hope you enjoy some of my favorite pieces! 💖

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The (JPATS) was a 1994 USN /USAF program to acquire a new training aircraft. Beechcraft/Raytheon, with a modified Swiss Pilatus PC-9 Mk 2, the only turboprop in the competition won the contract. The plane was designated the Beechcraft T-6 Texan II. The contestants:

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In regards to this tweet, Vampir Squadron is a mysterious mercenary and assassin unit belonging to Vlad's organization DALV. They were tasked to assassinate the USAF's civilian Phantom Squadron, which are Danny and Dani Phantom. The squadron was comprised of the Orloff siblings. https://t.co/Llz92b8Bis

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Here is concept art of the battle of the Phonoi, between Phantom Squadron (Danny and Dani), the USAF and the massive Guys in White nuclear-powered submarine the Phonoi. This is heavily inspired on the AC7 DLC mission Ten Million Relief Plan.

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In anticipation for Village, let's check Chris's career and accomplishments so far:

- 17/18 to 23, USAF Pilot;
- 23 to 25, S.T.A.R.S. Officer;
- Organized the Private Anti-Biohazard Unit and was its leader at 29;
- BSAA SOA and then SOU Captain;
- Saved the world 4 times;

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Slipping the surly bonds of earth...

Chuck Yeager - 1923-2020

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here we go bois.

by the time this tweet is out; I should be staying at a hotel going to usaf bootcamp the following day

a year and four months worth of excersise, grind, and patient waiting is finally gonna be worth it

I've sacrificed and worked too hard for this opportunity.

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What if... Concorde had been sold to the USAF as a reconnaissance platform?

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USAF mil witch teacher Sam Hogg

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▼航空自衛隊戦闘機 アメリカ空軍爆撃機と共同訓練


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▼アメリカ海兵隊F-35Bがイギリスに展開 空母クイーン・エリザベスで運用予定
<Image:Crown Copyright/USAF/USMC>

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7 September 1956. USAF Captain Iven C. Kincheloe flew the Bell X-2, 46-674, to a world altitude record of 126,200 feet and a maximum speed of Mach 1.7. He was the first pilot to fly above 100,000 feet.

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GD's alternative to the B-1A was the FB-111H, with a fuselage lengthened by 12ft, more powerful engines, redesigned fixed intakes and redesigned landing gear. Should the USAF have gone with this instead of the B-1?

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