Cartoon for State 'awards' and government 'appointments'

11 20

South African mobile phone, Uhuru. The company was founded by Daniel K Thebe.

59 255

cartoon for the art of giving before taking dam

25 62

For me it all started at Uhuru, a club in my hometown where I played my first gig. The Uhuru EP is out now, featuring y and ! Let's bring the world to Clermont!

50 151

Cartoon for DAILY NATION who will take the forest evictions hot seat?

2 13

Cartoon for all 'good' things must come to an end?

7 16

skyjacks/star trek crossover! just what went down on that mysterious planet? only four people aboard the uss uhuru know, and they're not telling. because they're too busy making piss jokes.

characters, as ever, belong to

20 109

President's angry rebuke to rebels sends ripples in ...

3 5

President Uhuru Kenyatta:

If you're serious about fighting corruption, start with the Fraudulent bills, cartel-controlled tariffs, illegal PPAs & dangerous service.

But no. 🚮

27 54


"Nuevos" at bonobo
2019.5.8 Wed. 21:00start

Guest DJ:
DJ KIRAYAMA (from 沖縄)

Guest Live:
YPY (from 大阪)
Nicola Ratti (from 伊太利亜)


4 14