画質 高画質

I think I'll be back to making new Aventio food tomorrow and I feel much better...!

0 61


180 1292

DrRatio/Aventio (1/2) 🎲🗿🔁❌
是末日AU的ID card,明天画Aven的~


8 81

every year on my bday, i draw venti!! ✌️💚💚

1792 12433

The saddest thing about being sick isn't that I'm having a hard time, it's that I don't get to make new Aventio food.

1 36

No new Aventio food for the next few days as I had a fever + period and am now in pain all over.

0 36


149 1227



813 6195


92 621

Mamatio… 💕💕Gimme ur milk pls💕💕

50 615

convention experience with dusk arknights (this has happened at least 10 times)

1281 7464

babu! Cw // horor

sender kepikiran kalo semisal venti evolusi dri makhluk kecil piyik jadi poci (Krn menurut sender agak mirip poci bentuk yg piyik blio 😭🙏🏻 for fun yaaa)

1 21

I don’t remember if I ever mentioned this but I’ll once I’ve finished I’ll be making all of the drawings into big and small prints…

For when I start an online store or sell at a convention (hopefully sometime this year👀)

283 2469