868 - Milcery
Type: Fairy

Abilities: Sweet-veil, Aroma-veil

0 1

764 - Comfey
Type: Fairy

Abilities: Flower-veil, Triage, Natural-cure

0 0

695 - Heliolisk
Type: Electric / Normal

Abilities: Dry-skin, Sand-veil, Solar-power

0 0

694 - Helioptile
Type: Electric / Normal

Abilities: Dry-skin, Sand-veil, Solar-power

0 0

685 - Slurpuff
Type: Fairy

Abilities: Sweet-veil, Unburden

2 3

671 - Florges
Type: Fairy

Abilities: Flower-veil, Symbiosis

0 0

Here's the redesign! No more veil, different chestpiece construction, age lines and silver hairs, that's about all that was needed! I didn't go *too* overboard with the age lines as that curse would ABSOLUTELY fuck up her metabolism. I look forward to making her comic~

4 13

670 - Floette
Type: Fairy

Abilities: Flower-veil, Symbiosis

0 1

669 - Flabebe
Type: Fairy

Abilities: Flower-veil, Symbiosis

1 2

"I will burn like the sun
I will keep you safe and warm"
-Yang Xiao Long (Gold)

( The game doesn't have a yellow blood veil, so yeah🤷‍♂️)

Thanks to Moonling for the outfit!

4 17

Every time I get art of Veil, her hair becomes more and more untameable and like...I frickin LIVE for her punk-ish goth vibes 🔥 did an absolutely wonderful job, as always ♥

1 4


Chapitre 45

Juste ils sont incroyable ensemble , j'ai hâte de voir le réveil, je l'attend depuis tellement longtemps.

1 20

472 - Gliscor
Type: Ground / Flying

Abilities: Hyper-cutter, Sand-veil, Poison-heal

0 0

444 - Gabite
Type: Dragon / Ground

Abilities: Sand-veil, Rough-skin

0 0

443 - Gible
Type: Dragon / Ground

Abilities: Sand-veil, Rough-skin

0 0

Wore a veil, was not permitted to leave the house without permission from a male relative. (Then got stuck in an awful place called The Exiled Lands, adopted a Sabretooth cub that was all alone. And she had Cimmerians as the best option for role models.)

0 0

332 - Cacturne
Type: Grass / Dark

Abilities: Sand-veil, Water-absorb

0 0

331 - Cacnea
Type: Grass

Abilities: Sand-veil, Water-absorb

0 0

321 - Wailord
Type: Water

Abilities: Water-veil, Oblivious, Pressure

0 0

320 - Wailmer
Type: Water

Abilities: Water-veil, Oblivious, Pressure

0 0