(Tw: explosions)
haha, villain OC causing problems

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Ight then twitter ruin the black hole in the last post
but repost of the villain

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My creativity is too powerful

This is my second mascot, Roy! He’s my chaotic sona, love him to bits!

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Here's more art from the Aggies, all characters I havent drawn in a long time once again! Playing in the https://t.co/RI4SUIrd6m...

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Day 31 - Skeleton princess
Underworld's Kings daughter! She's lonely so she talks to herself a lot.
Last prompt of the month! Thanks everyone for sticking through this! Happy Halloween! ^^

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Day 26 - Tree creature
There's a forest dungeon, where you might see these little minion guys. They think they are mightiest ones but really, no. The weakest ones. They burn themselves accidentally and don't even realize it.

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Day 19-Fox
"Everyone! please, please, come in! The show is about to start- Oh what a lovely jewelry you have m'lady! Come to see the show, only 1 gold coin payment- my my, such a ruby tells me you're a magnificent lord! Welcome!-"

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Day 18 - Magical girl
She first started as a hopeful and naive hero. Later, she got fed up how selflessly she had to put her life in danger, gaining nothing from it. Now she does whatever she wants, thinking only about her needs.

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Day 14 - Gentleman orc (a quick one today, sorry!)
"...Would you be so kindly, to lower your head so that I could hit you with my mace....please."

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Day 13 - Cup of tea
Rosie, half elf and half fairy. The boss of the loan sharks/mob family. Her own body is too small so she has her own enchanted glass puppet to carry her around.

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Day 12 - Pile of leaves
Vincent, a 5 year old son of the evil lord. He's helping his father with some housework.

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Day 8 - Fairytale
There are some fairies, forest spirits or fauns that seems nice and friendly. Nobody though has never come back to tell otherwise.

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