cw // bright colors , disturbing imagery
hey girl haha 😁👍

2 13

VoidBit sona redesign !! I missed this story/universe so much
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4 30

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voidbit oc ;)
meet king ! he resides in the purple void ! under no circumstances should you take up his offer on playing a little game

17 77

Soooo is it too late to drop into all the voidbit mess?? Either way here we go!
Scorp is happy to pick up Mcvoidonalds for anyone

1 4

void teto!! ask her to sing for you!! or dont!! depending on whether u wanna live or not >;3

2 5

andy attempts to destroy gobbler but things start to turn for the unexpected

12 124

its been a minute, hasn’t it?

16 89

So I heard voidbit's back? 👀 (with that I bring another voidhawn design)

15 61

here’s my updated voidsona ref :D

8 22

void!felix ref (& void!noah)

|| ||

15 60

void!eros variations ya hoo (+ the differences thing again bc i hate just having 3 images)

might alter them some more later so this could just b temp designs? idk i dont wanna change them much tho

5 13


vb!frogman ! super rough sketch but this is the idea i wanna go with for a redesign (explanation in thread)

17 138

momence redraw! upgraded from scarecrow to fish

3 18

remade my sona :) he's large

6 22

YOOOOO VOIDTWT REVIVAL????? Say hello to drone, the glass bee bitch with the mysterious yellow liquid!!

4 16