This Monday is joined by health experts and & Connor from MyPlace to explore our relationship with the natural world and its impact on wellbeing. Come armed with questions!

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Have you visited our website during the Do you have 10 minutes to spare to help with some research?

The are investigating whether people are finding online content useful for mental health & wellbeing. Take their short survey at:

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It is truly satisfying, relieving and uplifting to see and hear him happy, coping and healthy. That is what matters for me. Yes, I want new contents from him. But I am happy not to if I can be assured of his wellbeing.

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Glee partner  kick off their National Growing For Wellbeing Week today. A celebration of the magic that growing your own produce can do for your wellbeing.
With lots of free resources available & advice be sure to get involved:

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My family unit are utilising our isolation toolkit after my son’s injury a few years ago; note every little win, random acts of kindness, self-compassion (we all struggle), comedy, music + prioritising wellbeing. Work emerging..

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There's something about being ruled by a clique of self-interested, amoral millionaires that is somehow not conducive to public wellbeing.

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ART2HEART student working at home on lockdown. When this is over I want to establish NLHC as a art centre for all creativity and wellbeing.

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during : connection with others through shared interests (like !) boosts your wellbeing. has launched a new toolbox to increase resiliency + improve , needed now more than ever!

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With many exploring the creative arts in lockdown our Art for Health’s sake exhibition is worth a browse. Enjoy lovely artworks and background reading including quotes from Florence Nightingale discussing links between art and wellbeing.

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Griseo from

He's a pretty dark fellow, pessimistic really. However, his best friend Cendré (the Golden Boy) tends to liven him up a bit.

Despite his dreary personality, he cares about others' (Cendré especially) wellbeing.

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This week, we’ve posted ideas for activities to support our wellbeing. But it’s also OK to do nothing at all. Time, space and mindfulness are also important to help us feel better and stay healthy.

'Two Girls Resting on the Grass', by Philip Wilson Steer (1860-1942), c.1900

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Beyond Blue has launched a new, dedicated Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service - now available to support all people in Australia to manage the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their mental health and wellbeing.

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Looking after your mental health is more important than ever right now. How you control your thoughts & challenge your thinking has a huge impact on your wellbeing. Here are tips on how to cultivate a positive mental attitude from Liggy Webb

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Happy Friday everyone! Since most things have been difficult and anxiety-provoking recently, why don't we focus on fun and laughter today. It's so vital for our mental wellbeing. Tell us what you're doing for fun.

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Updated advice Time in green spaces benefits mental and physical wellbeing. If you can’t get outside open your windows, go in the garden, take in the view and get some sun. Still good for wellbeing.

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It can't be overstated how much Peter's secret identity is originally tied into his concern for Aunt May's wellbeing. He can't be unmasked or defeated because what will become of her. Spider-Man isn't something he can quit but it is something that potentially threatens her.

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Hello Twitter! We're part of . We're a group of Arts & Minds members interested in the theatre, opera, art, events, exhibitions, being creative & looking after our & We belong to too. Hurray!

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The Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance is a national organisation representing everyone who believes that cultural engagement can transform our health and Personal stories here:

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Time in nature boosts our connection to the natural world and helps our wellbeing. Rewild your life, starting with a week of 20 seconds to two minutes noticing nature each day:

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The Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance is a national organisation representing everyone who believes that cultural engagement can transform our health and Personal stories here:

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