by Daniel Maclise for The Meeting of Wellington and Blücher after the Battle of Waterloo 1859 © Digital Restoration ™ Radionic Powers

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Wellington has seen things

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wellington and skipper

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“Sometimes I liked the rain. Little by little the level of the water in the stream rose. And now I hoped it would go on raining, and that I would wake up to find it coming down hard. Perhaps I ought to put on Wellington boots and go and see what was happening.” ~C.R.Milne

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Thanks to everyone who joined me and my friends on stream to hang out while I worked on art. Today we got the first sprite for Wellington McSkellington's tiger enemy in his upcoming circus mod as well as the rough draft of 's commission. More tomorrow!

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Wellington, with his multinational staff, rides past British Infantry during the Waterloo Campaign.

In his iconic bicorn hat, Wellington wore cockades to represent the allied nations, which reflects Wellington's diplomacy in the coalition.

(By Patrice Courcelle)

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317日目 7/30 Paul Ascott
318日目 7/31 Holey Cap
319日目 8/1 The Bookie
320日目 8/2 Chuck Wellington

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'Tis calm and sunny in Wellington so I've got all the windows and doors open, airing out the house. The tūī in the tree near my deck is singing its heart out and all is good in my world.

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Did you know that the Brontës used to write Duke of Wellington fanfiction?

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The 2nd Battle of Sorauren, 30 July 1813, was Soult’s last attempt to win a significant victory during the Pyrenees campaign.

It saw an attack along a longer front than previous assaults repulsed by Wellington's army.

It ended with a chaotic retreat for the French.

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*°★卄αPⓅ𝐘💛𝓫ιᖇ𝕥Ⓗđ𝒶ㄚ✰°* Jacinda Ardern
Prime Minister of NZ. Leader . Won't tweet what I ate for breakfast-make no promises beyond that. Authorised by Timothy Grigg 160 Willis St,

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24: Mahlzeit
Herr Burbel wurde mit diesen modernen Mahlzeiten nicht warm. Diese Pille soll ein Filet Wellington sein?? *seufz

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Wellington had proven he was an attacking commander at Assaye, Roliça & Porto too (among others)

Salamanca showed he was a great opportunist as well. A masterstrike.

'Portuguese infantrymen preparing to go into action at Salamanca', up the Arapile.
(by Dionisio Álvarez Cueto)

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On this day in 1812, a Coalition army under Gen. Arthur Wellesley (future Duke of Wellington) defeated a French army under Marshal Auguste de Marmont at the Battle of Salamanca, one of the most significant engagements of the Peninsular War.

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