No use arguing with them Hiro, people don't get lighting and such and go into whitewashing/blackfacing/etc because their art degrees came from DACU (Dumb Ass Clown University), arguing with them is like arguing with a Trump Supporter who raided the Capitol, its speaking to idiots

0 2

Literally made a TikTok about this today! This made me so uncomfortable I HAD to do it

anyways if you wanna see me redesign the others later feel free to let me know because whitewashing = ew

0 28

Usando el sentido común, se podría decir que se trata de una variante de America Chavez hecha en un Fanart. Pero no le pidan a los gringos esta explicación pues si ven un dibujito de un personaje ahora blanco es porque es WhitEWaSHing según ellos.

1 25

We need less whitewashing in the infamous community (the one that doesn't even exist anymore LOL I'm in a dead fandom)

2 7

(This is a repost bc twitter glitched his strawberry pins on the boots)

My first test of making pastel pallete with new shading style
And i didnt make the skin whiter bc that is whitewashing
Also i gave him boot bc yes

3 12

Whitewashing your ink and gears too?😅

2 40

Since we're making racists angry online again, I thought I'd bring back some old favorites of mine.

1 5

gente, me hice un auto whitewashing por aburrimiento ✌️

fav y le hago blackwashing

0 3

also self potraits r usually the best way to see how i percieve and draw myself over the years HAHA

im just glad that im becoming comfortable not whitewashing my own tanned skin tone LMAO 👁👄👁

its a soopification

1 21

Lol hace mucho queria hecer un ejemplo del whitewashing con bakoo
1- con los colores oficiales✔️
2-tonos pasteles✔️
3- le cambia en tono de piel❌

0 1

I feel like I’m whitewashing skeppy but its because of the background ono

0 2

I bought a guide on color theory from an artist I like today (by @/eskbl) and wow would u look at that, u mean to tell me you can highlight without whitewashing a character??? Incredible

46 636

Qué se podía esperar de una adulta molesta porque hay artistas que dibujan con una tonalidad que no le gusta y se escuda con "Es QuE Es WhiTeWasHINg",no. Los gringos no tienen derecho a limitar la libertad creativa de los artistas.
Solo diré

2 28

How can you consider yourself an artist if you don’t get how color theory works, and instead you think it’s all whitewashing and “attacking”?!
I’ve got an example:
My OC Alfredo has olivine skin, and depending on the three BG, the lighting make him tan, pink, or white (1/3)

0 7

Hey a lot of mutuals follow this guy so here's your reminder they're a whitewashing and groomer defender

25 73


3 5

Encontré unos dibujos antiguos de Dean y. . .

Me hice whitewashing a mi misma? JAJAJAJA

Muestren sus dibujos de ocs antes y después pa ver si no soy la única que silenció el diseño original de su oc 😔✋♥️

9 73

Mein aktueller Lesestoff:
TRUTH: RED, WHITE AND BLACK, ein Captain America-Comic (fast) ohne Cap, geschrieben von Robert Morales und gezeichnet von Professor Kyle Baker. Es geht um Rassismus, Menschenversuche, WW 2 und Whitewashing von Geschichtsschreibung. Ein Jahrhundertcomic!

1 11

Maaf bgt izananya lupa ganti palet adu gawat bgt aku egk maksud whitewashing bgmn ini pa ustad [[[[panik bgt]]]]]

Ini izana yg sbnarnya

6 82