Really happy with my commission from . Really fucking cool Yoroi armor profile picture, will be using it from now on😁

40 338

“Legends tell of a wandering giant who fell from the sky, wielding a steel dragon belching thunder and flame. Though first seeking passage home, the stranger chose to stay and fight alongside the Yoroi samurai clans, protecting the land from Covenant raiders”

Warmup doodle

137 647


3 15

RAIYOU x SYARAWI™ : Men-yoroi 面鎧 Cyborg
auction is nowLIVE -
ends tomorrow night @ 10pm M'sia time (sunday).💘

FP : 0.3 BNB each
winner gets airdropped with Raiyou's corresponding cyborgs

38 40

RAIYOU x SYARAWI™ : Men-yoroi 面鎧 Cyborgs from truly. A lil bit tease

Auction begins tomorrow night. Sat, 10pm. Winner gets a corresponding cyborg NFT from Raiyou!

8 12

Now you have seen the RAIYOU x SYARAWI™ : Men-yoroi 面鎧 Cyborgs from
side. Have you seen what you will get from MY side?

Auction begins tomorrow night. Sat, 10pm. date? Winner gets a corresponding cyborg NFT from Raiyou!

11 24


Just a few random Troopz that have been minted, mint still ongoing, lots of transactions pending due to congestion, if you’re minting we suggest using Yoroi 🚀🐢

4 16

Por conta do lançamento da versão atualizada do Opening de Samurai Troopers, tá rolando um boom então aqui vai mais um Samurai q fiz, Ryo of the Wildfire.

34 102

Yoroiden Samurai Troopers, ou Samurai Warriors como a gente conhecia aqui. Quem aí via esse anime? Eu me amarro!!!

23 81

Poyoroid is so cute when she is sleeping. She deserves to be doodled all over her face

5 48

Just some simple drawings of bomberman enemies

Little demon - Yoroisu

0 3

Mais um Iconzinho em Pixel Art. :) Montando o Portfolio pra comissions nesse formato. (até quando o treco é no desespero não consigo correr com as coisas ;-;)
Fanartzinha da Yoroizuka de Liz to Aoi Tori.

2 4

I believe that the took advantage of the clumsy management for to get into the US market. It comes as no surprise that this happened due the changes that distorted story when it has more themes that appeal to us westerners.

1 19

Yoroiden Samurai Troopers

5 หนุ่มบอยแบนด์กับชุดเกราะซามุไรในตำนาน ก็แนวๆ ต่อสู้กับปิศาจและจอมมารเพื่อปกป้องโลกนั่นแหละ ทั้งหมด 39 ตอนจบ และ OVA อีกมากมายก่ายกอง ลองหามาดูกันนะทุกคน

้เมน ฮาชิบะ โทมะ ค่ะ หนุ่มยิงธนู มันดีนะ

0 0

Aujourd'hui j'en ai profité pour refaire le message publicitaire qui apparaitra à la fin des chapitres de l'Agonie du Jour ( J'étais pas satisfait du précédent ^^;. ) =D.
Et je crois que je commence à prendre le coup de main pour les yoroi, j'ai vachement moins galéré XD !

0 5

I'm very happy with this, she would kick my ass in any game we played. If you don't know this is yoroichi from bleach

0 1