he monch he chomp he cronch and yatora deffo took this pic and added the filter 😳

8 49

I made a quick yotasuke sketch bc I wanted to see him in a cat ear beanie but it ended up being a whole outfit, anyways

21 92

yotasuke takahashi! (blue period)

240 1040

[Yotasuke's weapon]
silly comic inspired by this tweet
I love tiny boi in bf's oversized clothes🥴


366 1062

Hashida and Yotasuke, Paraluman artstyle

13 41

is in heated discussion w/ a friend about what Yotasuke’s favorite Pokémon is 🤔 I guess he will like smth cute & round like Marill…but my friend thinks he’d prefer kakoii ones

0 11

yotasuke may have a foul mouth but he's def a cutie

0 2

[Fisrt kiss]
🌍: *shiver*
🐯: (no way...Yotasuke is puckering up...?!)

46 254

might start the blue period manga soon but anyways i love yotasuke

7 36


43 169