Gonna make the moves or is this really just a casual park date?~



16 79

See?~ These fishnet stockings are absolutely NOT cutting off circulation to my legs


No one tell her she looks like one of those mall hams


21 82

Shooting range, I think you fail to grasp the fact it's for shooting a gun not stares, now get back to aiming!~


23 108


研究了OpenAI家的繪圖AI「DALL·E 2」,目前覺得最亮眼的是延伸背景的生成功能,可以幾乎完美地學習原圖的背景做延伸~

當角色太靠近圖片邊緣的時候,可以補出更順眼的圖片,或是延伸出空間來放些文字或其他資訊汪 ( • ̀ω•́ )✧

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