I leave you another round of my old drawings that I updated its capture quality.

Les dejo otra ronda de mis dibujos antiguos que actualicé su calidad de captura.

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After waiting a bit, the following drawing is released here.

A very exhausting day for Nick Wilde

Nick Wilde belongs to Zootopia

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After waiting a bit, here is the next drawing released.

A drawing of my favorite character Fidget taking a refreshing shower.

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Another round of my drawings that will improve capture quality.

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After waiting, the following drawing is released here.

Now I have drawn my character Bacchus with a little landscape.
I am still practicing to create backgrounds in my presentations.

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After waiting, the following drawing is released here.

A drawing of the character Judy Hopps.
This character belongs to Zootopia

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Les dejo otra ronda de mis dibujos antiguos que actualicé su calidad de captura.
I leave you another round of my old drawings that I updated its capture quality.

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After I wait, this drawing is released here.

This time I wanted to draw Heather from Over the Hedge to practice a little with this species, as I plan to create a character of this same species.

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She is Ena one of my characters that I created.

I will start creating access in advance of the drawings that I create, for the moment it will only be a week, but the anticipating access will begin to increase.
This excess will be on Patreon.

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Que piensas.

Hey! Creo que tienes algo que contarme.
Rita pertenece a Jungledyret


Hey! I think you have something to tell me.
Rita belongs to Jungledyret.

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Desde hace tiempo que quería dibujar a Marie :3
Me gustó el resultado <3

Este personaje pertenece a Aristogatos.
Long wanted to draw Marie: 3
I liked the result <3

This character belongs to Aristocats.

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Y como siempre.. .
Aquí les dejo otra ronda de mis dibujos actualizados de calidad.
Antes de compartir los nuevos dibujos 😉
And as always.. .
Here is another round of my updated quality drawings.
Before sharing the new drawings 😉

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Y antes de compartir mis nuevos dibujos, aquí les dejo otros dibujos que actualice su calidad de captura.

And before sharing my new drawings, here are other drawings that update their capture quality.

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I have already finished some new drawings, but first here I share some old drawings that have updated the capture quality.

Remember that my specialty is mostly traditional drawings.


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Judy Hopps always so adorable


Judy Hopps siempre tan adorable

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This character belongs to Jungledyret Hugo


Este personaje pertenece a Jungledyret Hugo

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Actualización de captura con mas calidad de estos dibujos antiguos, me encanta subirles la calidad de estos.

Update capture with more quality of these old drawings, I love to raise the quality of these.

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No le pareció buena idea a Unikitty.
It didn't seem like a good idea for Unikitty.

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Y mas dibujos que les e actualizado la captura y mejore la calidad de este.

And more drawings that I have updated the capture and improve the quality of it.

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