Take That, Bad Germs! Latest Snot Wars at Zombie Boy Comics: https://t.co/vLmP1YKyi8

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WooHoo! Just posted a Zombie Boy Fan Art Gallery on my site! Lots of talent up in there! Go by and check it out and leave a comment if you feel like it. https://t.co/bBViqCQIDH

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Gezüünix! More germ warfare in the latest Zombie Boy: https://t.co/3VDIvQFEUh

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Starve a Cold, Laser Cannon a Fever. Snot Wars continues in the latest Zombie Boy: https://t.co/xjx57tJLCQ

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Golden Oldies. Bugs are eternal in the latest Zombie Boy: https://t.co/B6W50tsUvm

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