Okay, now with Zudomon's first evolution, they actually also included a brief shot of Archelomon, whose shell Zudomon is wearing, so

I do feel it's possible these are just alluding to the data of other Digimon that these evolutions contain (but still could be more to it)

3 5

Y sorprendentemente, en esta ultima secuencia evolutiva de Zudomon se nos confirma que el caparazón viene de Archelomon 🤯🤯🤯 >

17 61


Desde un principio, el perfil de Zudomon nos explica que su pelaje y su caparazón los obtuvo tras robárselos a sus oponentes >

24 101

With Zudomons digivolution sequence showing Archelomon as a reference to him taking prizes from other Digimon what far-flung piece of Digimon lore would you like to see involved in the series? I’d like to see the Dark Ocean or maybe a reference to Frontier spirit evolution

0 0

Interesting. So Zudomon's shell was stolen from Archelomon, and Zudomon's horn in turn is used by Regalecusmon as a sword. Classic survival of the fittest.

57 211

In Zudomon's profile:

"It further guards its well-tempered muscles with protectors, which it made from the pelt and shell that it stole from its opponents."

116 393

(Zudon: Japanese onomatopoeia for thudding.)
Marine Animal
Hammer Spark
Horn & Tusk
Thor Hammer

1 2

((Not gonna lie, I always prefered Plesiomon over Vikemon for Gomamon's digivolution line personally speaking.

Zudomon to Vikemon makes sense but

Plesiomon has a similar color scheme to Gomamon, has freaking orange spiky fur on it's back and got green eyes too like c'mon))

0 3

Bueno, en el ultimo Folder Continent Report se nos ha confirmado lo que ya muchos sabíamos... MarinChimairamon NO tiene partes ni de Zudomon ni de Whamon xD

15 99

Minha especulação sobre MarineChimairamon, não consigo decidir sobre a cauda, talvez de Zudomon, talvez o bigode de TonosamaGekomon, mas sinceramente acredito ser partes de um novo Digimon

2 10

- (#Digimon)

5 12

(Zudon: Japanese onomatopoeia for thudding.)
Marine Animal
Hammer Spark
Horn & Tusk
Thor Hammer

1 0

Best Digimon coming through.

(Sorry, Weregarurumon/Exveemon/Zudomon/Garudamon)

267 1138