2 tiny tired old men w/ graying hair and a fear of being known 😫😫

bruno from encanto meets jon from tma! i think theyd be ok acquaintances AAHAAH

9 67

i need more people to interact with!! new friends! new acquaintances! new victims! new homies!

17 71

“Just two besties that kinda hate each other sometimes but maybe not and are we besties really tho or just acquaintances I mean life is so complex you know”

Gambo: “Aqua what?”

12 134

And now, announcing that I’m taking a week break for those who actually do care, due to stress and anxiety. Bye besties, strangersies, acquaintancesties, anything elsies

0 1

Here’s Lady Decimal. She’s in an ongoing series on Screwball Shenanigans. She works behind the scenes at the SCP Foundation with her three…lackluster employees. She despises her job but the silver lining is her friendship/acquaintanceship with Agent Zero.

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99% of conversations with publishing acquaintances

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Day 18: Squaks knows no enemies, only acquaintances.

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Hello my dears~
I'm ShoggMommy (M'ssen'da Cr'issi'kor), eldritch seaslug deity~ I'd hope to make more acquaintances and fellow vtubers! Thank you for the opportunity Snerline!

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"Bikini Bottom just lost their best defenders. So, we're here to fight"

The International Justice League of Super Acquaintances returns!

6 23

Sounds fun ^-^ I’m a pretty shy and reserved person especially towards strangers or acquaintances. I think I’m usually pretty calm and collected, on the outside anyways.

0 2

I've been feeling alone and isolated for quite a while now. Even if I have acquaintances, I feel like I don't have any real, true friends anymore. I always kind of felt this way, but since I accepted I was trans and came out to some friends, it just feels even stronger. 😟

0 1

Commission open!!✨✨

I'm opening commission for only 7 slots! If interested please do dm, please help rt and share these to your acquaintances!!

🙏 Thank you, have a good day! ✨

46 68

Once Ichigo moves out from the Kurosaki home all his acquaintances decide that his apartment is the best place to arrive to unannounced but for Nelliel finding all those girl clothes around his place doesn't seem weird, she just assumes he likes tight clothes

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William (Will)

Coming from the Sloth Ring, Will is a close friend of Richard's. Going back to their early days of working under an unknown organization. Possessing two forms is rare in his species, but also dangerous.



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The reason I have a goal of wanting to be rich these days is to protect my close acquaintances.
I'm looking for a purchaser, thank you

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Old Acquaintances

122 1033

Hey, I'm 31 I kinda stopped posting my art on here but I can return to do it again. Looking forward to make acquaintances C:

0 0

HEY!-HO! It’s and I so happen to make a webcomic. Look at that. It’s called DECALE! And it’s Romantic comedy about two teachers and all their happenstance acquaintances

9 23

Thank you for your concern comments😭😭✨✨

Recently I've been doing bad things in relationships
Often ignored by acquaintances
So I was depressed😨😔💧

I'm sorry for the dark tweet😢😭💦💧

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◾️2 $xtz

-Be careful who you keep in your entourage whether it’s a group of acquaintances or the voices in your head… Above all, truth conquers…

🔗Link in Comments

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