"Keadilan Cepat Untuk Anda!"

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jade - schau
(kepada nona sasha tolong jan bunuh saya)

ahli senjatanya unity order, dan dia ngomong gapake filter. beneran. "mati aja" sangat2 mudah keluar dari mulutnya.

dan mengingat jade juga kadang kata2nya agak bahaya, dan dalemnya lebih bahaya dia ketimbang furo, jadilah

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So I may have stayed up until 11 PM thanks to the sea of multitasking. But hey, it all worked out because I got to finish drawing this evil fairy girl!

Her name's Nyxia, she's one of the main villains in Loradila (one of my OC worlds).

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karena datengnya kelamaan, terjadilah acara sabung-menyabung

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Gara-gara ada beberapa hal yang rasanya sejalan antara apa yang pengen saya gambar dan MV nya yang baru, jadilah kayak gini. corat-coret sejak kemaren, kepikiran kayaknya asik bikin fanmade poster.

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Pendek kata, jadilah ibu bapa yang terbaik buat anak sebelum menuntut yang terbaik dari anak. Sebab anak lagi banyak belajar melalui perbuatan ibu bapa berbanding dengan arahan. 😉✨

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Catherine Lindberg - Kat and Cat

Polisi wanita yang memiliki rasa keadilan yang tinggi dan suka menolong. Suka minum hot chocolate, selalu minum tiap hari.
Saat ini sedang dimintai tolong oleh seorang Dewa Kematian untuk mengungkap kasus kematian Catherine Lindberg (Cat).

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Dulu pernah ikut art trade sama .
Tapi aku belum bisa kirim artwork balik.

Lalu setelah dua tahun, baru jadilah gambar ini.
Semoga Ida suka, yaa.

Salam persaudaraan sobat Ida!!

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Just finished drawing a new Loradila character! This is Felice the fairy boy, he fell out of the sky and now he accompanies the party to give them helpful advice (like a not-annoying Navi). I will not hesitate to kill to keep him safe and happy.

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Dan jadilah 3 artworks ini :)
Hasil dari perasaan "buodo amat, lakuin aja dulu lah!".

Sekali lagi teman-teman, nggak papa kok buat ngulang gambar yang sama. Nggak papa kok buat unsatisfied dengan karya kita, toh bisa diperbaiki lagi. Yang terpenting, jangan berhenti berkarya✨

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Sesuai janji, buat ngerayain 1.3k Subs, MioN ngadain Lomba Gombal MioN "GOMBALION" nih 🎉

Jadilah The King of Gombal!

Cek ketentuannya di bawah ini atau lengkapnya di : https://t.co/N4sLta4mLQ

Hadiahnya menarik loh😉
So, ayo join & be the !

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So right now there's a prom roleplay thing happening on Fantendo, and for it I decided to draw Kyra, one of my OCs from Loradila Chronicles (which is a known project on Fantendo), in her dance clothes!

Note: this outfit is canon. I'll probably be drawing one for Theodore too.

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PAPA ZOLA ( ) 🎉🎉

Jadilah Pahlawan yang bijak dan bersahaja,
Karena Kebenaran tidak pernah menyerah 👌😌

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Just finished drawing Aron (left), from Loradila Chronicles. Just a fun-loving young boy from Elderan, prior to being abducted by the Pandemonic king Ferndite and possessed to become Arondite (right) to give him a human vessel to exact his plans.

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Join Kobolonimbus! jadilah alat demon lort sekarang!

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More updated art for my OC project, Loradila Chronicles!

These are Elurrina and Suterretz, two of the summons.
Left: April 2021
Right: May 2022

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And the characters in question? More Loradila OCs! The geomancer twins, Merrie (right) and Cherrie (left)!

Left: April 2021
Right: May 2022

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Sorry for not sharing any more art for a while, but I just finished redesigning another Loradila Chronicles character - the flute-player of the tundra, Hilma!

Left: April 2021
Right: May 2022

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Here's some more Loradila Chronicles art, this time for Theodore's older sister, and the Terran heir, Kyra!

Left: April 2021
Right: May 2022

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Ah, shoot! I forgot to share the full party art!

Here they are, the playable characters in my action RPG game concept, Loradila Chronicles!

(from left to right: Theodore, Asier, Cypris and Narcisa)
Which is your favourite?

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