Jace: it's my first time Aegon 🥺 👉👈
Aegon: LoL i mean oh my god like holy shit 🤪

40 180

“alicent….demanded..you…..declare....for..aegon…?” lip quivering heart breaking world shattering tear falling loser activating like it was crazy….. https://t.co/uv2JbRH6yy

27 114

"This, he realises at Rhaenyra’s mercy, must have been what true redemption feels like. This is forgiveness. Love from a higher power, from his beloved sister who has loved him all along, how did he never see?"

"Mercy" by

14 76

Я буквально вижу как Алисента будет их после свадьбы и такая: «Хелейна! Солнышко мое! Он тебя не обижал?»
В то время как Эйгон: «агх, боже какой щас год? Где я?»



79 308

Trying to get you wine stain of a brother out of a brothel, again…

50 165


0 39

This is just Daeron coming back from his vacation in Oldtown (a parallel of me returning to draw)

tags: Modern AU

90 288

rot is also a heart
rot is also a childhood
rot is also what love is

198 846

Bigass Art Dump - Day 1545
"Jraegon" (January 2022)

Jae as a dragon! Jraegon!

2 3

The most heart-breaking dynamic in hotd is between Aegon and his daughter Jaehaera. A crippled corpse of a man filled with nothing but hate and pain and his young daughter who still loves him as her only shield from the cruel world.

Art by https://t.co/DL0kTThmti

20 104

a young visenya, rhaenys, and aegon

62 469

Fun fact: King Aegon III married Daenaera Velaryon on the last day of the 133rd year AC. Happy New Year to everyone and congratulations to Aegon and Daenaera ✨💍

96 1032

“Here is a bright, sweet, happy little girl, the perfect antidote to the young king’s gloom.”

Aegon III returned Daenaera’s smile and said, “Thank you for coming, my lady, you look very pretty”

129 1433

tfw u get super drunk with your fun uncle and make some gay decisions 🍹🍹🍹


119 468

“Dear brother. I had hoped you were dead.”
“After you, You are the elder.”

474 2793

Hello! From my work of this year i love this two, one is a commission the other one is a Aemond and Aegon from House of the dragon fanart ^^

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