Yes, more Aggretsuko things!!! I try a fast sketch again!
This time, a humanized Hidarin and Migi!!!!!

45 131

✨Manaka the idol chinchilla from is very cool✨

22 68

Tadano humanizado ahre uwu , amé mucho la temporada 3 la vedah ❤

9 50

Don’t usually draw dog girls but, aggretsuko season 3 came out sooooo...... here’s mocha

4 24

Tenia como una semana sin subir un dibujo, y justo hoy me dio insomnio por el estrés y decidí dibujar a mis bebes para no morir en un hoyito(?).

9 74

OLVIDE PONER ESTO ACA AH PERDON XD Estos dos mensos usan de excusa sus pedas para lo que hacen. Me encanta jugar con los cabellos de Haida uwu

3 58

Watched the new season of Aggretsuko, was pretty good lol

1 19

When I count to ten ... I can do whatever I want ✨💕

230 1692

M E N · O F · A G G R E T S U K O (REDUX)

After watching
there was no way I couldn't draw these sweet bois again.

29 125

I watched aggretsuko season 3, Manaka and Inui are best girls, change my mind.

189 869