
124 666

W:How did you fit into that uniform with your weight?
C:I should be the one to say that!

13 70

We need more Albert with cat headphones

61 206

"Wesker you have a visitor!"
Dont tell me its Chris.
"..It's Chris.."
dumb doodle may delete later lol

17 43

slightly more detailed dbd self insert + shitty edit

3 14

After shower.
If he changed his hair cut, he would only be identified by his sunglasses,and everyone will be shocked.

67 243

hehe, some random quickly drawn :)
tried going for a more stylized look

(one with original and one with rev!Wesker)

23 110

Some sketches for a comic I had for an ongoing writing idea with a friend for a post RE 8 “what if Wesker lived” scenario. Ft. Chris having scars from their final fight in RE 5.

5 20

I had to draw him teehee also don’t ask how Feng has a PC in the realm shh https://t.co/iwotEq5DnE

134 361