I loved kianamaiart's peach so I tried making my own peach piece!

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Day 4: Initial Designs

Jun was first conceived during winter 2017, when @/kianamaiart’s Type Meme first started circulating.

I’d get busy later in the year and forgot about them until I redesigned them in fall 2018, and made a proper ref in spring 2019!

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speedy cool down w @/kianamaiart’s peach

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thinkin abt @/kianamaiart's rosalina,,,,,,, i care her,,,,,,,,,

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ー Main OC: Jun

An OC made from @/kianamaiart's !
Jun researches probability and sometimes game theory, and dually works as a card dealer at a notable casino. They're charming as they are intelligent, though they seem to let on less than meets the eye...

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Another attempt at Hanamais style! It's a lot of fun!

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Playing , tried hanamais style! It's really fun.

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宮瀬まひろ先生( )の冬コミC97新刊『SANAmaidcafe』の電子版を買ってきました!早い時期に出たのでまひろ先生の早苗さん好きとしてとっても嬉しいです!😻💕

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My reaction of if i saw Hanamai appear out of nowhere

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Hemen duzue Yurre Ugarte eta bion artean egin dugun komikiaren azala! Bi koloreak euskarazko eta gaztelaniazko edizioak bereizteko dira. Laister izango dugu esku artean! Adi! ✌️✌️✌️

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this has probably been done before
(original comic by @/kianamaiart)

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The second of three images I did for the 3rd edition Kickstarter, Fangs at the Gates. Vanamaithri contemplates their past and possible future choices. .

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Joana Maiz komikiak, Bechdel testa: gainditua. 😉😉😉
Eta pixkanaka badijoa aurrera...

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( by @/kianamaiart, @/shounenking, @/ivanpapiol, and @/kingfatkat respectively)

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come along with me by Kiana K. ( kianamai | ig ) https://t.co/Vy0DCUXQwD

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Stock illustration image I've been working on with Visiontrack for anamaimages. Please visit anamaimages website for licencing and use.

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