Random Lunagon transformation, it's fun to draw.

4 17

A favorite of mine from the Daily Grindhouse days. For an article on killer animal movies.

3 13

An old one that I still love. Luna’s take on the sharkini meme was unexpected.

0 6

Luna consults an expert hair stylist on alternative ways to look her best!

2 13

Abby and Rena, figuring out a Christmas mystery together.

4 13

Baara might be the first to appreciate one of Skathi's gifts. From one warrior to another.

6 18

Skathi, princess of the mysterious and unknown Kōhiko Islands

17 51

Return of the Living Dead is such a fun slice of horror. Thanks in no small part to the Tarman.

5 7

Godzooky is a lovable goofball and I will defend his place in Godzilla lore.

9 22