Congratulations to UYU JB () for securing his spot in Capcom Cup alongside UYU Oil King and NL.
UYU X Lariato Co. ()

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Fare con gli vuol dire abbandonare per un po' i propri problemi per donare sollievo a chi aspetta di vivere, ma chiuso in gabbia, a chi ha tanto Amore da donare, a chi pur essendo malato gradisce una coccola!
Fare volontariato è bellissimo🐾

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She is konegi chan drawn by rariatoo.

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RT ついに明日✨ 何度も合わせに参加させてもらい、身体に沁み込ませました。憧れの渡辺シュンスケさんや久石さんの曲を大好きなメンバー、大好きすぎるコウさんと演奏します❣️ 絶対うっとりさせるから、素敵な時間を一緒に過ごしにいらしてください💕有楽町でお待ちしてます。

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I’ve noticed that Pit and Pitoo have started posting inappropriate images of each other (well, I guess Pit chose Sans).

Nothing showey, just a bit of suggestiveness in the face.

Why not stop fighting and hug it out like you two normally do?

(Art by rariatoo on Tumblr)

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🎄 Some festive fanart for ! 🎄
Also did a few variatons, because why not! (RTs are highly appreciated!)

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since I'm here now, I can share my contribution to the charity zine by , the page!! it was amazing to work on. 💜

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Doing some color variatons on one of the grayscale thumbnails from last week. Another batch following soon :)

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"Il negozio di antiquariato" by Inspiration Brigade Member Stefania Porcu

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