A rare occurrence in which I post a drawing of an OC
Irish lad Lewis

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I've had this ready for months but didn't feel great about posting it... something about me being a woman and a lot of people out there being asshats. But I guess I'll just post what I want and start blocking asshats if it comes to that... 🤷‍♀️

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🌙pictured: me treating all of reality like a discord server and punishing some asshat by changing his entire timeline so he has a really stupid name

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Bcz humanity inherently Sucks at its core; but not All the time
I wished to be left alone, but there's always an asshat that's gonna mess w/your life, knowingly or not
Now I wish for ppl to burn (Though I don't hurt others on purpose! By principle)
Ironic past 2~years am I rite?

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teelicht update
i am so much happier with this than with the initial thing
look at him
he's just a tired gay dude, not some archduke-looking asshat

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a little gift for because of the amount of commissions he ordered (+ huge tip) he was going to pay but as a thank you i did these drawings of his amazing axolotls Asshat and Figs for free!!💖

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new oc

my boy Omega

a spirit that is only visible to those who he deems fit, can interact with stuff, but to do magic, he has to borrow someone's body up to a max of 30 secondes
by the history books: the great destroyer of worlds
Luz: snek boi
Boscha: asshat friend

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Decided to share shibari Eren on tiktok and some asshat commented "stop, he is a child". Apparently seeing comments where Diluc and Kaeya are considered minors, too? 😃⁉️ Are people just so far gone in tiktok... or??

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A...Arthur...I didn't expect people to like my asshat time travelling idiot...
More info about the stories I wanna write here!!
I tend to use Tumblr for my writing stuff/a blog so...uh yeah- https://t.co/NapFbKHL0W

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came up with the idea to make a persona who's a werewolf but whenever he transforms into a werewolf instead of getting the uncontrollable urge to kill he just gets the uncontrollable urge to be a massive asshat and troll people online

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Today’s chubby hunny is Eunice from Rune Factory Frontier! 💕

She can be your wife!! You can tell her to go on a diet, but only an asshat would do that 😡

Let her eat fucking cake and live her life!

(cw bodyshaming 😔)

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Lilith and Lady Olivia meet at a bar. They bond over their former bosses being huge asshats, get tipsy and decide to start a band, because obviously. Lilith on base (fite me) and Lady Olivia shreds on the mandolin. Debut song: Two bit emperor man

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Okay but why am I simping for this asshat 🥵

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Hey, I'm Liminal Lark. World's best fey thief, cantankerous fairy, and all around tsundere, verbose, asshat. I'm currently in prison for my crimes, serving out my community service in the form of streaming to entertain you jerks.

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as for redesigning Mikonasa. that means her asshat brother gets a redesign too! up next her not shitty brother, named Juthra. and then her husbando and her kids. there's a lot that needs tidying up H

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Shane here. here's some tiario art! i drew them in some casual clothes and them chilling! they have a lot of nicknames for each other but their favs is fatty and asshat lol. they love to bully each other

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wanted to give the two asshats who are occupying the majority of my brainspace rn actual refs. girl help

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