Every single Baber card is the greatest thing in existence and I don't think I could ever pick just one absolute favorite but rn I'm gonna say these four are especially good I love my man

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(Baber LE/GR) How to convey feelings

3 3

old ass guys. last slide is a redesign of a bar babe character (“bar babers” as they have come to be called) from a while ago

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(Baber LE/GR) Babel's tower of lamentation

3 1

(Baber LE/GR) How to convey feelings

1 1

(Baber LE/GR) Snowman's memories

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(Baber LE/GR) Rainbow-colored Happy Smile

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(Baber LE/GR) What to devote to the Savior

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(Baber LE/GR) What to devote to the Savior

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(Baber LE/GR) Rainbow-colored Happy Smile

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(Baber LE/GR) Rainbow-colored Happy Smile

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(Baber LE/GR) Snowman's memories

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And here is a birthday present for !!!!!! ~\(≧▽≦)/~

(Yes, once again in time!!!!!! Get out of the champony!!!!!! \\o//)

Hope you like this little Baber wishing a wonderful birthday!!!~♪ (´ ▽ `)~

I wish you a very happy birthday, my little cat !!!!~ o ((> ω <)) o

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🖼 : Shua Baber

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(Baber R) A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

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