画質 高画質

and at the end, i couldnt resist to FOMO in more doggos, never fade Yuga

1 48

Bored Ape Kennel Club sold for 8 ETH ($9,270)

Floor Price: 8.1296


0 1

Bored Ape Kennel Club sold for 8 WETH ($9,559)

Floor Price: 8.1296


0 1

Grabbed 3 doggos 🦴
They look ready to pump through 10E

1 20

"Dogs are an ape's best friend." Scooped another BAKC to tier up a second ape to level 4 and a Mutant Collar / because I have massive FOMO and the community seems top.

2 21

Ok so Past and Future. Knights and Mechas. Could Tier 1 (MAYC) be a Mech armor and a Knight armor for Tier 3 (BAYC). When BAKC paired you also get a horse (Tier 4) and a mecha dog (Tier 2).

Who wants to speculate???

8 75

This is WILD!! Someone was farming Blur rewards on BAKC. Had like 75 bids at 8.49 ETH 🐶

I think he went for a shit & came back to find the Yuga video dropped with no sign of dogs as people hoped & he now owns like 70 Dogs 🤦‍♂️

Mfer now runs a kennel: https://t.co/y6LrPQ3Vne

37 317

Advance with caution when approaching all Hounds but especially so when they can breathe fire. Others will be too busy snacking on Goblins or BAKC.


15 142

BAYC 🍌 // 🤝 // BAKC 🐶

LFG 🔥🔥🔥

6 45

GM...Degen Mfers!!!

It's Mutant Monday!!!


2 13

Which NFT project I should invest in?
Leave a comment and explain why!

I’m with

Next moves in mind: MAYC, BAKC,

Bullish on upcoming:

29 166

6th Asset Secured! 👷🚧

Welcome Home BAKC 𝗪𝗼𝗼𝗳 𝗪𝗼𝗼𝗳! 🎉

All 6 NFTs are staked yielding $APE daily for all $BORED holders!!! 💰💸🚀


32 59

Doggos flying, so 🔥 …… added.

2 20

I just max staked my BAYC, MAYC & BAKC 😅

Sent a couple more Dogs to paired staking too 🐶 🤝

Currently earning 89.34 $Ape a day, which is $356 a day or $10,693 a month rn💰

Yes I know the APY will drop & so may the price of $Ape. Don’t @ me in a week. @ me in a year ✌️

34 168

Bored Ape Kennel Club sold for 6 ETH ($8,343)

Floor Price: 6.195


0 2

Day 3 - Currently all these assets have been staked and is yielding $APE for YOU while you sleep! All yields will be rewarded to holders! Distributions will be announced once everything is ready! 💸💰🚀 $BORED

Infinite $APE for everyone!

26 59


3 21

Bored Ape Kennel Club sold for 7 ETH ($8,818)

Floor Price: 6.5641


0 2

Bored Ape Kennel Club sold for 7 ETH ($8,360)

Floor Price: 6.4615


0 1

🚨Don’t list your BAYC, MAYC, or BAKC while it’s staked

If it sells, the buyer gets the $APE you staked with it🚨

2 12