Realitzem una enquesta sobre qüestions de gènere, diversitat sexual i violència masclista al professorat i famílies de les escoles de

🗣️Demà i divendres podreu respondre-la a la sortida de l'escola Marinada de la Hi dieu la vostra?

0 0

I want to say Nathaniel Howe so bad, and so I will. BUT, in the spirit of the question:
Harding, Krem, Ser Barris, Maeveris

(I'm sorry, I know you said one, but I don't know how to follow rules in general)

1 67

In 1867 an English barrister wrote to the Irish Times complaining about a judicial reprimand for newspaper-reading while sitting in on a case in the Irish Four Courts - something which, he said, would have passed without criticism in an English court!

12 58

La Xarxa d'Intercanvi de Coneixements de us convida a la xerrada "Mindfulness, una aposta pel benestar i la salut", amb la pedagoga Isabel Matas:

💪 Avui a les 18.30 h, al Centre Cívic. Entrada gratuïta, aforament limitat.

1 2

La Xarxa d'Intercanvi de Coneixements de us convida a la xerrada "Mindfulness, una aposta pel benestar i la salut", amb la pedagoga Isabel Matas:

💪 Demà a les 18.30 h, al Centre Cívic. Entrada gratuïta, aforament limitat.

0 0

As they stare at the sunset. Thinking and worrying about the future. But as long as they're together anything is possible

(Reference from Assassins Creed 2 opening)

31 440

today's polyamorous ship of the day is noise pollution from venom: let there be carnage! it consists of cletus kasady, frances barrison, and sabrina martel! they are in a polyfidelity relationship! (art credit: sangled's picrew)

1 7

1727: Birth in Co of Arthur Murphy. Pseudonym Charles Ranger. Actor, barrister, Commissioner of Bankruptcy, journalist,✍️3 biographies & playwright (not that original)!👨‍🎓Saint-Omer, France; gifted student of Classics.

0 3

rushen a x-miss img but probabl;ey not gunner poast it cus too horney n m barrist cus peaple in rale life are followen

0 4

An old drawing concept of a post-clone wars Barriss.

7 38

1. Belmont house in Castleconnell then & now. Belmont was once home in c19 of Thomas “Spectacles” Grady, barrister & poet. After a falling out w/his banker, George Evans Bruce, Grady wrote & published a satirical poem called “The Nosegay”. Bruce quickly took out a libel action…

0 15

Avui arriben noves a

🖼️"La Mona Lisa és art?", d'alumnes : (inauguració avui, 19 h)
🌳"Un bosc de sentiments" (inauguració avui, 18.30 h) i Mostra de tallers a :

0 1

Demà arriben noves a

🖼️"La Mona Lisa és art?", d'alumnes : (inauguració demà, 19 h)
🌳"Un bosc de sentiments" (inauguració demà, 18.30 h) i Mostra de tallers a :

0 1

Divendres arriben noves a

🖼️"La Mona Lisa és art?", d'alumnes : (inauguració dv., 19 h)
🌳"Un bosc de sentiments" (inauguració dv., 18.30 h) i Mostra de tallers a :

1 3

Finished my character sheet for my protagonist for my comic book idea. She's called Abarris Pluma, overall I want this idea to play out like a fantasy quest adventure. I am really inspired by windwaker.

3 19

Just doing some concept sketching in between other art projects. I am going to start designing a comic, generally speaking it's going to be a fantasy journey based on a race of semi human bird people. This is Abarris (she will have a sword soon I just got to design one)

3 22

Stuff I usually make but never upload cuz I embarris:

Something I drew while being obsessed with a catchy song

4 17

El genial tiene un estilo fascinante. Siempre recuerdo sus conceptos para unas Sith en la preproducción de 'El Ataque de los Clones' que más tarde se utilizarían para Asajj Ventress o Luminara Unduli y Barriss Offee 👀

4 9

Nunca pensei que eu saberia desenhar barris

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