The Flash Vol 1 Issue 195
- Despite being temporarily blind for the first time, Flash managed to dodge bullets relying on his hearing before being saved by a dog.

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 47
- The Reverse Flash 2 (part 6)
Also recall to these previous feats of Thawne have a dozen lifetimes of living, training (The Flash Vol 4 Annual 4), fighting, and killing people which still scale to him.

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The Flash Rebirth Vol 1 Issue 5
- The Reverse Flash 2 (part 5)
Eobard vs 4 Flashes and Max Mercury all at once.

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The Flash Rebirth Vol 1 Issue 5
This makes Thawne a living paradox and has all of his feats.
- The Reverse Flash 2 (part 4)

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The Flash Vol 5 Issue 25
- The Reverse Flash 2 (part 2)

Both Flash and Reverse Flash know of Eobard’s history.

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The Flash Vol 5 Issue 27
- Reverse Flash 2 part 3

After beating Thawne again, Iris finishes it with a blast from a Blackhole Gun. Still, winner is the Flash.

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Justice League (2016) Vol 3 Issue 18
- Timeless Soldiers
Flash defeated 100 Timeless Soldiers even when his speed was dampened by Temporal Grenades.

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 47
-The Reverse Flash Part 4
After a long tense fight, The Flash (and a little interference from his Dad Henry) won.

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 47
-The Reverse Flash Part 2
The fight continues with Barry’s Dad being involved for a little bit.

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 47
-The Reverse Flash Part 1
The Flash fights against the second New 52 Reverse Flash, Eobard Thawne who has a different origin.

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 17
- Gorilla Grodd Part 2
Flash wins, nothing else to go on about it.🤷‍♂️

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The Flash Vol 4 Issue 17
- Gorilla Grodd Part 1
The Flash takes on Gorilla Grodd inside the Speed Force, where both their powers are amplified.

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For anyone interested. Here’s a list of people the Flash has overcome in battle, either by himself and/or with help.

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The Flash Annual Vol 5 Issue 3
- Swordsmanship Part 5
Now according the Captain Boomerang, Flash and Deathstroke got into a sword clash. Which is an impressive feat for the both of them.

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The Flash Vol 1 Issue 181
- Swordsmanship Part 2
Back with a vengeance, Flash makes use of a more effective sword and takes out an entire company of Samuroids.#TheFlash

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The Flash Vol 1 Issue 180 and Issue 181
- Swordsmanship Part 1
Yes the Flash has experience with a sword, unfortunately his first time with it involved it breaking against a Samuroid. Though to be fair, they were to dense for Flash break, at the time.

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The Flash Vol 1 Issue 274, Booster Gold Vol 2 Issue 17
- Firearms Part 1
The Flash claims he was a good shot back at the Academy and he holds Booster Gold at gunpoint before he was the Flash.#TheFlashCombatSkills

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