im still so sick but my love came and looked after me yesterday and for today and i also had the best mail day ever yesterday so im bearing !! :')

0 6

Day 3: The Lord. A splash of waves reveals a dark figure watching you. His regal bearing is different to the others and you suspect you have met the ruler of this underwater realm.

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Touhou Ronald's design is a mix of him bearing Flandre's wings, but instead they're made of fries and the sauces McDonalds serves.

BF has wings more like Flandre, having the arrows be the crystals

For XOXO, I just settled on bat wings, but I may update them to Remilia's wings

1 20

Held annually from February 14 to February 20, Random Acts of Kindness Week is a reminder to honor the gentle acts that spread love and hope by being kind to one another whenever we can—bearing in mind that kindness is enough to make a difference.

4 9

The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten Episode 7

Even in the darkest of nights it's reassuring that there will always be a special someone able to provide warmth and become an outlet for self-healing. Small inklings of plot threads coincide with a simple love story bearing fruit.

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I come bearing botw orym and silly leaf doodles that aren't very good but hey

0 25

I never wanted to breed with anyone more than I want to with Kiyohime. That perfect, slender body. Those excellent, like a flower bud, breasts. The child bearing hips of a literal goddess. It honestly fucking hurts knowing that I’ll never mate with her, pass my genes-

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Revive Like a Phoenix!

Burning Falcon

The strongest wings bearing the fire of hell


1 9

Smol update as I try to collect my bearings cuz I just got home from uni

-Pingu not-so-sick... Ish... Okay maybe I'm still sick
-Will check all these confoosing notifs in bit
-Pingu has announcements later
-Pingu has a slice of bread

Dun be like pingu... Health check yerselves

1 5

Day of Side Character intros:

Roy doesn't actually show up in person in this book, but he's mentioned several times, so he kind of counts.
He's also one of two main characters of the Lost Dogs series.

This will be the last image for now. Thanks for bearing with me. :)

2 6

im back and i come bearing honasaki's side of the story ^^ theyre really silly and i love them so i hope i did them justice

14 49

ellry (and charles!) sweep part 7!
i think that's it! thank you for bearing with me through ellry spam hgkjh <3 LOVE WINS!!

17 43

/don't repost/

I come bearing gifts 🤲
*context in the comments*

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Ayo?! Will do, rn I'm tryna get my bearing since its been so long.

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i come bearing the gift of more julian 🤲

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She was used to leading mortals along these paths, and so patiently waited as you found your bearings.

0 11

11: (JFC you guys are killing it I am crying for how much people are interested)
The idea of being a hidden Eldritch Pries was always the original intent of this character I actually accidentally straved away from for my current kimono bearing form. This is my very first idea:

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hello hello everyone, it's been a while, i come bearing baizhu!!

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