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The Lovers' Chronicle 9 January - Awakenin', verse by mac tag - art by Simon Vouet - birth of Simone de Beauvoir https://t.co/zd1eLeLdQ4
A propósito del natalicio de Simone de Beauvoir, comparto este ejercicio hecho el año pasado @TuVecinoArtista @Dibujnautas @TheArtistHelp @ArtMutual @illhueminati @Ayuda_artista @ApoyaAlArtista @dibujando @GDAutoArt
Happy Birthday to Simone de Beauvoir who was born #OnThisDay in 1908. We can't wait for you to read @philosofemme's chapter on her in The Philosopher Queens with @unbounders, featuring this beautiful portrait by @emmylupin 👑
I did 2 portraits for Simone de Beauvoir.
1st one based on screenshots from YouTube video of an interview.
2nd one based on a b/w photo of Beauvoir.
Both are digital paintings.
I consider these portraits as fan arts.
#portrait #philosopher #Beauvoir #digitalpainting
"I accept the great adventure of being me."
— Simone de Beauvoir
(Illustrations by Christin Engelberth)
The painted tomb of Ferry de Beauvoir, Bishop of Amiens 1457-73. Amiens Cathedral, France.
"Le principal fléau de l'humanité n'est pas l'ignorance, mais le refus de SAVOIR ".
~Simone de Beauvoir~
@ArteSelezione @SilvioBalsamo1 @Maria32238606 @martinis2018 @MartinM25358373 @Papryka5 @albertopetro2 @marialves53 @ValerioLivia @FriendArt_ @Rebeka80721106 @AlessandraCicc6 @marses_ok @licprospero @migliaccio31 @yianniseinstein @scastaldi9 @CristianeGLima @alberto080461 @LunaLeso @matibo11 @renatoantares50 @bmarczewska @mx_kuoro @Make_u2_happy @BrindusaB1 @DavLucia @BaroneZaza70 @giusyoni @NadiaZanelli1 @Amyperuana @blancacorzas @kamabi @anthony77631293 @BPerrionni @BB_Aesztia @albert_cunill @eoff_sylvia @cecilia_fava @peac4love @angelicadisogno @MOCarballeira @amparofashion @Dominiquepucini @agustin_gut @smarucci461 @Sellitti_MR @paoloigna1 @lagatta4739 @MariaGr13687435 Felix Vallotton (Swiss , 1865 - 1925)✿°´¯)*¤°
♥❥ ♥❥
All oppression create a state of war
.Simone de Beauvoir
Felix Vallotton (suíço, 1865-1925)✿°'¯)*¤°
♥❥ ♥❥
“El #placer #sexual en la mujer es una especie de conjuro #mágico; exige un completo abandono; si las palabras o los movimientos se oponen a la #magia de las caricias, el #hechizo se rompe" #SimonedeBeauvoir
Ilustración #art #EnzoSciotti
“L'oppresseur ne serait pas si fort s'il n'avait des complices parmi les opprimés eux-mêmes.”
“The point is not for women simply to take power out of men’s hands, since that wouldn’t change anything about the world. It’s a question precisely of destroying that notion of power."
Simone de Beauvoir
#Fightlikeagirl #womenincomics #happywomensday2019
To lose confidence in one’s body is to lose confidence in oneself.
-Simone de Beauvoir
-Georgia O'Keeffe, watercolors painted 1916-1918 while she was head of the art department at West Texas State College
"To be oneself, simply oneself, is so amazing and utterly unique an experience that it's hard to convince oneself so singular a thing happens to everybody."
- Simone de Beauvoir
I’m mutilated without you, my love. It’s not exactly painful, but it’s sad.
Simone de Beauvoir, from a letter to Jean-Paul Sartre
The Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps
📸 Tosi Claudio
Final commission for @Aeolys with the best girl Beauvoir! Have fun playing that song on loop ewe
Lu (et apprécié) dans @VanityFairFR : « Beauvoir fut une amoureuse passionnée, si loin du « bas-bleu », froide, cérébrale, qu’on s’est plu à décrire jadis, croyant qu’une femme qui pense et ose écrire, en 1949, Le Deuxième Sexe ne peut pas être « une vraie femme » #feminisme 💪🏻