I have an older Lydia desing and Beetlejuice deserves tge same treatment! Here's the old man in his new getup!

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One whole year ago, I got into Beetlejuice the Musical! To celebrate, here’s a redraw of my first ever piece of fanart involving Beetlejuice and Lydia being chaotic besties. Love these guys forever. 💖

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Inked and colored version of Lydia, might add effects later on but for now I'm pretty happy with it!

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“DIE YOU’RE ALL GONNA DIE, YOU’RE ALL GONNA DIE!” 🎸🤘✨ more art because I am art machine I go brrrrrrrrrrrrrr (I also colored the sketches hehehe) he is a cowboy.

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Lil crossover doodle as I proceed to put "Say My Name" on repeat for a millionth time

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I found this beautiful beetlejuice fan art, and I wanted to do the draw your style challenge. I leave the contacts of this fantastic designer go and have a look

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Decided to do a dump of my Beetlejuice memes y'all I just finished the series

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Animation practice with my favorite bio exorcist

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If you die during this performance, the show will not stop.

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🎶 That's the thing about life, no one makes it out alive! 👻🎃💀

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Hey, folks! Begging your pardon
'Scuse me, sorry to barge in
Now let's skip the tears and start on the whole
Being dead thing

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This one is more recent! More of Bug!AU, this one of the animatic that fives rent free on my head of Lydia's corrumption arc. Maybe one day I'll board it, who knows?

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