Time to get back in track! So the day's theme was warrior and who better than the fearless Cherry bomb to pick!

0 5

*Opens eyes* h... hi.... UHMUHMUHM aha shit... one of these binches......? Aha sh*t uh

0 2

This is Aegis
Catgirl binche thing
Loads of pixel art, one sketch

I like her

5 24

only my 2-5am binches get to see this

15 95

Boost my shenanigans it's fry-gay nite binches look at that michael buble joke one

its a buble can (la croix rip off), but it is michael buble, doing a concert, wtf does michaeble buble sing

0 1

The day I deletus my tetus and start taking boy juice™, it's over for you binches. That is all

0 14

And then Cherri proceeded to get him both because that's what true friends do...Quote from Buzzfeed unsolved.

597 3709

Snort this line, binches

3 24

sometimes a call is just two muted binches typing instead of talking and that's fine

0 3

HELLO SLY, THANK YOU FOR THE RAFFLE!! I'll tag the badass !

My fav gemstone is pink quartz because im baby sljfjflkj
and i dont have good references yet, but here, take these lil binches

0 1

Con staples are BACK with a twist: You guys demanded more of these stickers so here they are! Shout out to all my Sad Binches who need stickers to showcase just who they really truly are deep down. (keep scrolling for more)

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I'm Dee and I'm an illustratior!

28 116

Le premier dessiné par Nemo mais these binches gay good for them

0 2

my god these binches gay good for them GOOD FOR THEM

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