Ychydig o'r arlunwaith o'r set newydd o gardiau brwydro yn seiliedig ar y Mabinogi... 1. Blodeuwedd, Efnisien, Gilfaethwy, Caswallon

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Im doing an animation with sunia from Berättelsen om blodet! Here are some sketches i did figuring out her design!

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La légende celte de Blodeuwed, ou comment la déesse est renvoyée à la nuit / dieux mâles https://t.co/tFJAWaa2Uo et https://t.co/dmnElnpUQI

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Blodeuwedd – Oak, Broom and Meadowsweet https://t.co/kLJnxO1t1d

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My name: Miily I team up with; Price 15 , Bloderz , Lilmiss22 , Sainn , Kaiba3533 , E L I T E

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