For everyone who has asked “Why isnt Ral blonde?” or “Why does she dye her hair red?”

Art by the always illustrious

2 10 that you but in blonde???

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What if Sasha's natural hair is not blonde?

Second picture is the reference

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Blue or blonde??? FST PLS

2 6

Ugh angry AND blonde? Funny Valentine I may just like you a little bit

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Brown or blonde?

0 11

Or even let them wear wigs! Nightwing Steph had a purple wig! And remember when Dinah used to wear a wig as Black Canary before DC just made her blonde? Like there are options instead of having them all have the same identical length and texture blonde hair

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fav elite four member: Caitlin

blonde? sleepy? has a literal growth story in the games spanning a generation? beautiful? psychic type master????? yeah shes fucking perfect

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Redhead, or blonde?
Spicy, or sweet?
Which version of Sans eye do YOU prefer?

Though they're two of the worst Zirca girls, both P1X3L and
Eva have a soft spot for their respective murderhusbands.
(Feat 's cute homicidal waifu. Drawn by )

6 31

So, uh, anyone want to talk about why FemShep is suddenly a blonde?

175 2093

I probs wouldn't do something like this, but what if blonde?

1 337

"You disappeared, you never called me, and all for a lackluster blonde?"

Grace & Alex

Sang Versé

2 11

too blonde?

39 57

... I don’t really like how I colored him so I put a noir filter but here’s My Time JK in blonde?? And the original look

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