NextGen Week 2020
Day 2 Prompt: High School

Trunks, Mai, and their third wheel Goten

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Thought I was done but then I decided to sketch since I only did one piece of him. He reminds me of from - the strong and silent type, although Uub is more shy and less serious

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And last but not least - a continuation to ‘Goten’s Bride’ ( featuring the Groom and a horse.

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- The Next Generation Z featuring and If there ever was a spin-off series base on them, I will call it ‘West Cap City’. Since Dragon Ball is the Goku show. Special thanks to for making this happen.

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In his later years, he shed his rock and roll persona and became an indie/folk musician

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In his later years in high school, took up guitar as a hobby and eventually became a professional guitar player. He relished in the spotlight, did some gigs with various rock bands in his late teen - early 20s.

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My fave DB gal for the beautiful Bulla Briefs. 💕 I love her so much. She’s the princess of my heart.

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Successors to Capsule Corporation. resigns as CEO, passing the title to as she manages the corporate side. He mainly focuses on engineering the next technology in favour of advancing civilization.

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Don’t let that pretty face fool you. She is a tenacious strategist, and is extremely charismatic and persuasive like her mother. When push comes to shove, she can be ruthless and turns to aggressive tactics to convince Gods to do her bidding.

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Earth’s next generation of Super Heroes / Daily Crime fighters. The Grand Daughter and the Prodigy.

They’d be a great superhero duo. But I don’t ship them romantically (i think the chemistry is/potentially bland).

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My crackship / OTP forever despite what DBS declared. They are the Ying and Yang. Trunks grounds her and becomes her rock, while Pan brings adventure to his life, letting him loose from his daily responsibilities.

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Inspired by Young Jijii’s DBAF comic, where is fighting crime on the streets. She reluctantly becomes the next Great Saiyaman (3?) to disguise her identity due to her popularity associated with being Mr. Satan’s grand daughter.

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This is my art and what I have drawn for It’s Marron and Trunks.

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Nose and Noseless, she’s cute either way. is just chilling in some beautiful field sketching because that’s her happy place, and she’s a creative, lofty hippy. This also gives me an excuse to work on more landscape paintings.

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My submission for Trunks reluctantly modelling for Capsule Corp. (I truly despise the perfume bottle and I wish I had more time to redraw it but alas I don’t...)

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Starting off with sexy the mechanic, and his helper Giru. Finished a few hours ago

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