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Sharon-A-Day, Day 35
Captain America V6 9. Published Mar 14, 2012.
"Powerless Part 4"
Writer: Ed Brubaker
Penciller: Alan Davis
Inker: Mark Farmer
Letterer: Joe Caramagna
Colorist: Laura Depuy Martin
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Sharon takes on Machinesmith.
Gotham News: "Reckless" por Ed Brubaker y @seanpphillips publica @PaniniComicsEsp https://t.co/4D8qfOuhr7
Por fin se reedita la etapa de Brubaker y DARWYN COOKE de Catwoman.
Es una compra obligatoria como una catedral😍 https://t.co/TCYYYjhmnk
And some of my personal favorites runs:
Ed Brubaker's Catwoman, Gotham Central and Scott Snyder's Batman.
There's not really a reading order here, but all of these runs are phenomenal and worth your time.
Outras runs q eu amo
Surpreendentes X-Men do (Joss Whedon e Cassaday)
Homem-Aranha (Straczynski + Romitinha, Deodato, Garney e outros)
Demolidor (Brubaker e Lark)
Thor (Aaron, principalmente a fase do Ribic, mas a fase com o Dauterman é ótima também)
* Hurwitz (La venganza del Caballero Luna):
Miniserie de 12 números que realmente la considero una prolongación de lo anterior. Marc recuperando su vida contra Norman y sus Thunderbolts. También supone su entrada a los Vengadores Secretos (en la serie de Brubaker). Opeña 👍
I feel as though it would have been received and remembered much more fondly had it been a self-contained arc within the Daredevil title. Is it as good as the material the came before it (the Bendis and Brubaker runs) or after it (Waid's run)? No, it is not.
And now, Andy Diggle's Daredevil.
Review by Tim Burnham
taken from: https://t.co/0oaPtkoGjO
Andy Diggle's run on DD picking up immediately following Ed Brubaker's run - which in turn followed Brian Bendis' - and leads up to Mark Waid's run that re-launched the title in 2011.
22 Favorite Comics of All-Time #17
Tyler: Crowded @xtop @RoStein404 @ten_bandits
Tad: Criminal Ed Brubaker @seanpphillips
For discussion listen to today's episode of 22 Panels.
— batman: gotham noir by ed brubaker, sean phillips, and dave stewart
I truly cannot recommend Ed Brubaker's work on Catwoman and Gotham Central enough, two of my favorite Batman stories ever, even if Bats himself is only a supporting character on them.
Street-level, grounded look at Gotham without forgetting the fantastical, best of both worlds.
Ed Brubaker consulting and/or writing for the Catwoman HBO Max series, please and thank you.
Top 25 Non-Manga Comics
1. The Sandman by Neil Gaiman
2. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson
3. Saga of the Swamp Thing by Alan Moore
4. Lucifer by Mike Carrey
5. Batman by Jeph Loeb & Tim Sale
6. Gotham Central by Ed Brubaker & Greg Rucka
7. Blast: Intégrale by Manu Larcenet
The first 13 issues of this series, now collected as the Winter Soldier GN, is probably the greatest super hero graphic novel ever produced. This book goes up to 25. The series that made me love Captain America.
We had two great Reckless graphic novels this year: Friend of the Devil and Destroy All Monsters. Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips are relishing this OGN format. Each story revolves around a case by private detective Ethan Reckless, a great character creation.
Finished #reading a comic-Reckless by Ed Brubaker @seanpphillips @jacobr_phillips which was published on Dec 16th, 2020 via @ImageComics Checked out from @saclib #readingcommunity #readers #read #comics #libcomix Has anyone else read this?
Se habla muy poco de lo increíblemente díficil que es tener a Brubaker y Philips sacando tebeos año tras año y que no hagan ni uno malo.
El último que ha caído es este, sobre las aventuras en los 70 y 80 de Ethan, un tío al que contrata la gente cuando tiene cualquier lío.
WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THIS INFO?!? Mr. Brubaker I see what you did there, sir!
"Even Black Tarantula was thriving feeling like a bigger deal than ever in Brubaker's hands.
"If you liked the previous run (Bendis) or simply are a fan of action-packed/character development stories, then you will DEFINITELY enjoy this run!