Bon dia. He dormit fatal i ara faig tard a tot arreu. Em desperten el cafè i el terrabastall dels cops de les obres del pis de dalt: com a mínim s'estan fent una piràmide 📷☕️😬

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Can't wait to go to cafès again <3

15 94

character reveal: the amateur baker, working at the cottage cafè who loves giving you his messy cinnamon loaves.

ps. he likes his bread to be packed with lots of love!

31 57

amb aquesta fantasia de dibuix de la us oferim l'autèntica ☕️TASSA PEL CAFÈ DE BON MATÍ PER SER PERSONA☕️

si sense el teu cafè de bon matí no ets persona estàs de sort, ara podràs fer-te el cafè de bon matí amb un 100% més de llom

9 27

I didn't get to post it here so have my oc Silvia Simor
I joined an open art collab so you'll see a finger sticking out lol I deleted my psd file so I didn't get to remove it

4 19

A partire dal 14 aprile si terrà presso il Princess Cafè (a Tokyo) un evento a tema Creamy. Verranno messi in vendita gadget di Creamy, molti dei quali basati su un nuovo disegno di Akemi Takada. Tutti saranno acquistabili qui. Maggiori info a breve.

1 5

E' una di quelle bellissime opere in cui spazio, forme e colore perdono una funzione descrittiva per assumere un valore espressivo autonomo
Grande appassionato di danza, teatri ,caffè e dalla sua posizione di osservatore crea numerosi acquerelli come questo : at the cafè 1911

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I’m a cafè owner, who’s soon to be opening shop soon! ☺️💖✨ As they say, it’s not a crime to take time off and relax at a nice cafè for a cup of coffee/tea 😌☕️

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When Floor takes a part-time extra job at Bennie's cafè, she ends up stumbling on some BIG secrets that can either put everything to lose for the 2 of them, or can make it the best, crazyest time of their lives!

"Main Event" is the name of the would-be-comic-but-now-book! (...)

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Hello! I’m a cafè owner and soon to be Vtuber! I can’t wait to open up my cafè to you all and make friends ☺️💖

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The most divine of the rodents is here! òwó
I am Ricehamster and as my name suggests: a hamster, but not like any other! I am also an angel who got kicked out of heaven cuz I am too powerful and they are weaklings fearing me. ewe

I now lead a maid cafè and stream from it :3

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I’m a bunny tuber in progress but I like posting here often so let’s chat! I’m opening a cafè soon, and can’t wait to officially greet you all that day! ✨💖

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el poeta que va morir després de punxar-se amb l'espina d'una Cert o fals? Ens treu de dubtes en només uns minuts el doctor i humanista Xavier Sierra Aprofita el moment cafè! 👉🎧👌

2 10

Hi there!~💖
I’m named Bunny, owner of the Bunny Cafè, I’m an aspiring baker that wishes for everyone can have a warm and fulfilling meal! Let’s have a nice chat over some tea and cake, the cafè is always waiting for you! 💖

1 3

Llevar-me, per falta de son, molt aviat, no m'agrada. Però és fer-me un bon cafè, posar-me a dibuixar una mica, a llegir o a divagar...i començar a gaudir molt de la situació. Quasi em sento un privilegiat que està vivint un moment que molts es perden.

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Uhh... this is an older drawing for my that I finished yesterday reeeally quick (well most of it was done already haha 🤣) I drew it before October
I definitely need to learn how do draw and color wings 🤣🙈

5 14

Wine & Woo Woo! 🍷🍹

Here’s the fifth and sixth pins coming up in the Cafè Canine pin collection!
We absolutely adore both of these, what do ya’ll think?

We’re very excited to get these made! 🐕🐾☕️

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hello! im mafee, rhymes with cafè! ive been drawing mostly fanart these days and currently having fun making handmade items for my etsy 🤗

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"sweet cafè" part 2.
Couple quality time feat Porter and Rika

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