『イース セルセタの樹海:改』
PS4 5月16日発売!
パッケージ版:3,980円+税 (CD:イース古今曲集付)


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《 イース セルセタの樹海 》
Ys -Foliage Ocean in CELCETA-

90 250

『リーザ & エルディール』

《イース セルセタの樹海 :Ys -Foliage Ocean in CELCETA-》

63 205

《イース セルセタの樹海 Ys -Foliage Ocean in CELCETA-》

159 465

Ys: Memories of Celceta is live now on our Twitch channel! We're giving away three Steam keys for launch on 7/25 so be sure to follow us and RT to enter.
Watch: https://t.co/UzrOxHY5Wz
Wishlist: https://t.co/IHxZRyrpPG

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Ys: Memories of Celceta launches for PC next week. Check out how the port is shaping up and see some gameplay in our preview: https://t.co/ln3XocWgj8

40 87

Learn about generations of Ys games on the our World of Ys website, just in time for Ys: Memories of Celceta on Windows PC.

Website: https://t.co/1y4XJMX7Ys
MoC Steam: https://t.co/IHxZRyrpPG

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🐣 10 days until Ys: Memories of Celceta releases on PC!

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I drew Frieda (Ys Celceta ) last night

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【新規タイトル】「Ys: Memories of Celceta」がSteamに追加されました https://t.co/GFlJN60opN

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Ys: Memories of Celceta for PC launches on July 25: https://t.co/VzPhF9GSz6

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[ last time turned out to be too early for real ( ´_ゝ`) ]
Was granted an opportunity to draw half of achievement icons for the upcoming Steam release of Ys: Memories of Celceta 🌸
Please look forward to it!

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XSEED Games is bringing Ys: Memories of Celceta to PC this year. https://t.co/CQa3BeT0E1

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Adol Christin (Ys) in his Celceta outfit, with palette Asked by

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Read our review of the animesque game Ys: Memories of Celceta: https://t.co/OJ8Q4zxTQb

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Ys: Memories of Celceta artwork (24 images) http://t.co/GsbXLtC4nK

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