Applejack: Twilight! Leave him alone!

Rarity: Yes! Remember, you gave Spike’s friend Thorax a chance!

Twilight: Except Lachlan isn’t a Changeling, he’s a dingo! I shouldn’t have listened to Shadow, he doesn’t know what it’s like to have a friend!!

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Nonbinary ace changeling, at your service!

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In the Finnish folklore Piru (The Devil) is a good father. Piru sometimes uses his children - or cubs - as vaihdokas, a changeling, switching his baby with a human baby. If a human threatens to hurt the changeling, Piru will immediately rush to save his own cub.

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Recently started playing Endymion (End) in a MotW campaign. He's a fae coming to terms with his identity as he was raised human and now knows he's a changeling, but forgot how he knows. He is a literal ray of sunshine and 100% baby

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the dryad is my Changeling, Ruis--she got caught in an explosion but I think her scorched outside + wild growth is so lovely

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Something Dylan and I have been cooking up in the background. Not Changeling, but still Mythoverse related.

You guys'll see. 😉

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Portrait of a commissioner's changeling, Laen, morphing into their tiefling disguise, Delight.🤠 Was a very fun idea to work with, very happy with the result~💜💫

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so hey, this is me! decided to post this i had been sitting on for a bit. although this is more of a persona, the way i see myself ahahah definitely a changeling, but presenting as a goblin.

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Wood and Da Changeling, From my last Video. xd

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First one is Hex, our party's changeling, second is Cassius and third is Leonus! (Cassius and Leonus in the first pic, Hex on the left in the second picture)

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More fantasy-appropriate attire for my changeling, Aisling (she/they). Before and after she became a salty seadog. Er, sea-faun.

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Yessss I was hoping you'd show up, this was a nice challenge! For a changeling, it should be something nature-themed, a bit mischievous and a bit mysterious... and I think the one best checking all those boxes is Celebi! 🍃

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I started playing a changeling, so have some of his forms and himself. (A bit rushed and very rough x3) Their name is Ziv.

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Spending my days editing and updating old prints for the shop, this one is The Changeling, the wee scribbly animation is on IG along with the short explanation connecting changelings to Ireland’s history of ableism.

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this is my only changeling, Frilkas
(second art by @/panberries)
this is like,, all the art I have of them and its all old gkfjdnsn they deserve better

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So I'm not trans, but both my IRL sister and Vtuber sister is! I'm still happy to support and support them every single day!

Plus, I'm a non-binary Changeling, so I can TRANSform into any body I want really~!☺️
These are my main two forms at the moment!;

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I need to get more art of my changeling, all I have on him is stuff from a dnd campaign he was in lol (The pink pone is/was his girlfriend, the campaign's long since retired at this point but I like my buggo still)

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Daring Do: I saw him heading towards the Aquatic Ruins in the forest with a dragon, griffon, yak, pony, changeling, and hippogriff.

Rainbow Dash: Got it, thanks Daring Do! *she flies off to find the student six*

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As a changeling, I didn't have control over my appearance until my turnout, or as the humans would call it puberty. As a child, I'm stuck in a fully human appearance to make it easier for humans to care for me and to fit in with society.

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GOTHIC FAIRIES Fuseli's Gothic vision of A Midsummer Nights Dream is full of menace. Titania & Bottom mingle with a hooded midnight hag clutching a changeling, a Fairy Courtesan with her victim, an old man, held on a chain & a fairy child with a proboscis

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