Day 34: BANUK MY BELOVED. Very minor NPC but he's into fashion and painting. That mud is there /deliberately/, thank you very much.

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Day 33: This character is like if a slime youtuber got isekai'd into a fantasy world. They're made of glow-in-the-dark glitter glue

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Day 29: this is the point where I remember how little self-control I have in collecting characters, as we're getting into the next-gens-of-next-gens. Anyway this is the son of day 24's subject, Argum!

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Day 27: MY LOVE. I spent days doodling her in anticipation of today. She's an NPC whose gimmick is proficiency in every weapon. She tries to steal her opponent's weapons during battle.

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Day 24: assassin horse's assassin mom (who is assassin dead)

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Day 24: She comes from a family of twigs and yet still grew up to be a CHAD

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my fourth character is The Joxter from the moomin series ☺️ my childhood self would be so happy to see this hehe ❤️ maybe one of my absolute favourite character designs ever!

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Day 23: oh noooo it's a shape-shifting assassin horse noooo don't kill me haha

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Day 17: One of my favorite gems!! She gets into no drama cuz she's too busy doing sick trickies at the skate park, bro

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Day 15: One of my personal favorite gems that I've designed. She and her sister are actually split from a singular gem, so they share a mind! Her weapon is half of a giant bear trap.

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Day 13: A very tired secretary (and older sister to Airyck, who I drew for day 10!) I think the proportions are a bit off here, but it's a bit late to fix haha

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If you're looking for some character design inspiration for our (link in bio for more details) look no further! .day creates inclusive and colorful character design studies.

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Day 11: One of the few villains in my repertoire I genuinely dislike. Zero redeeming qualities, except that he looks pretty cool. He's also one of my oldest characters.

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Day 10: Highschool dropout just wants to be a street performer but the universe has decided he is the Main Character.

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